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Revision of If no one hears from me in a while from Sun, 29/04/2012 - 23:45

Sha8doW's picture

Send the cops
and tell them my wife did it (Im not going anywhere for work – so its a lie!)

(i was supposed to spend the night with her, and we’ve been fighting heaps lately- SHIT. I am genuinely afraid to go to bed)

Ro, how’s you couch?


Sha8doW's picture


Don’t think I’ll be round much in the evenings this week….

good luck shad

been there, and it’s not much fun.

Robag's picture

you are alwyas

welcome on my couch Shad, you will have to fight the dogs for it. just throw food lol


n0mad's picture

n0mad aswell

I’m always in the d0g h0use and U d0n’t even C me ar0und – The Missus is killing me 2

Cya 0n the flip side Shad…..


Were you not listening to Matt's words of wisdom?

Never go to bed angry. And sometimes you gotta smack a bitch, let’em know what’s up.
Is this going to cut into our late-night skype conferences?

Here is another top tip

HarassmentPanda's picture

In all seriousness

Man, sorry to hear it. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I can be there on the weekend if you need to talk about it or give me a call anytime.

If I have learnt anything, it’s get help.

Call someone and get the help to talk through it now. Don’t let it go until you can’t talk about it. There are no prizes for being the tough guy and just scraping through it.

This is a serious post, I mean every word and I would never joke about this stuff.

Sha8doW's picture

I just need

To spend a little less time on the pc then I have of late

Good to see you panda

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