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Revision of new desk has arrived from Sun, 06/05/2012 - 14:56

great job by my father in-law, turned our old dining room table into a beautiful rimu computer desk for me… now just to get the LCD arm to elevate the screens, two new LED LCD screens and a new rig and I’m set!!


Robag's picture


that is pimping Don, love you dad’s Work


entertainment unit

he’s gonna build me a sweet cabinet too… pine this time as I am not quite rich enough for a full rimu unit for that

Fuzz's picture


Looks awesome mate.

Sha8doW's picture

Big table!

Musta been one big table!
Looks epic tho!

Microman's picture


I have the same speakers and the same headphones…

Fuzz's picture

what speakers

are those? MM I remember you saying you were impressed with a ~$50 set of speakers

Looks good man

I love the finish on it. The grain looks awesome!


I was gonna go with a darker stain but this turned out great!! The speakers are shithouse btw, the $30 headset is okay :)

been looking at this screen today, $250NZD maybe get two,…. thoughts?

I have that one...

Thats a great monitor. I always planned to get 2, but Im loving the one I do have.


might order them now then :)

Oh yeah...

It has picture in picture mode, so if you are a sports fan and can hook up a tv feed, you can watch the game while still playing. Oh and with a HDMI plus DVI port, I have my PC plugged in with my PS3 on the HDMI. Means I can kick back at my desk and play the PS3 with my headphones on.

new screens in!!


good don.

Nice setup

Also, I see you have a bit of inception going on there lol

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