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Revision of Higg's Boson Practically Discovered! Hawking Loses $100 from Thu, 05/07/2012 - 08:51

Hashy's picture


So the final piece to the puzzle seems to have revealed itself.

So like, all I gotta do is figure out how to block out the Higgs field, and then I can fly right? Or would that make me become totally massless, and therefore non existent?


Hashy's picture


Well I mean they still do need to do some more research and figure out if it “really” is the Higgs or something else… But really, it probably is it!

Robag's picture


The 27-kilometre-long atom smasher, lying under the Swiss-French border, had been crashing together counter-circulating beams of subatomic particles, in the form of protons, at an energy of 7 trillion electronvolts for some time. At full whack, each of the two proton beams has the energy equivalent of a freight train travelling at 150 km/h. This is enough energy to melt something like 500 kilograms of copper.

I would hate to see there power bill lol

chipper's picture

sounds cool

I wanna see that!

Sha8doW's picture

the higgs what?


Sha8doW's picture

wow, wow, wow...

The 27-kilometre-long atom smasher, lying under the Swiss-French border, had been crashing together counter-circulating beams of subatomic particles, in the form of protons, at an energy of 7 trillion electronvolts for some time. At full whack, each of the two proton beams has the energy equivalent of a freight train travelling at 150 km/h.

jesus, why not just smash 2 freight trains together at 150k’s? sure as heck would use a lot less energy!
and the result would be spectacular!

Hashy's picture

Funny Shad..

Funny that Shad, because understanding this particle, will lead us to technologies that will allow us to have those two freight trains crash head on at 150km an hour, and NONE of our precious Black Coal will be damaged! Or if you will…. People.. Maybe..

Well we do need to understand the Higgs and Gravity a lot better first, but once we do, trust me, that’s where all the cool sh!t comes in. It unlocks it all. Now we have a complete theory, we can begin to apply it as the whole system that it is. Which means we can begin to properly manipulate it. Which means we get our f**king anti gravity, which gives us easy access to space, which means we can Terraform Mars, and I can have my desert bean ranch and I can just spend the day flicking them at Cows.

Fuzz's picture


Now I see the point. If you’d just said the end goal was to flick beans at cows I’d have given the billions to do this experiment the thumbs up a long time ago hehe

Sha8doW's picture


By why has it changed from hicks bison to Hashys cows?

Sha8doW's picture


And I have a better application for this!

To reduce the mass of Mattatuides ego!
Maybe then he’d have the strength to “fill in 3 tables”


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