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Revision of Curiosity Lands TODAY! MSL on Mars from Mon, 06/08/2012 - 07:31

Hashy's picture


So this afternoon should be the do or die moment for the billion dollar rover.

9 hours from now, so about 2-3 this afternoon for us east coast Aussies.

Follow landing live on NASA TV –


Robag's picture

It Was on the radio this moring

Nerd alert! here’s a short video explaining how the Mars Curiosity rover should land. If it ploughs into the surface of Mars at 200 plus miles an hour, at least you’ll know why. A lot of stuff has to go right for it to work!


Hashy's picture

Nice Vid Ro

Great video that one Robag. Tells the story. Really recommend everybody give that one a watch before the landing this afternoon.

5 and a half hours ( give or take 15mins) till landing!

Hashy's picture

Cruise Stage Sep

EDIT: Cruise state separation in 15 minutes

Hashy's picture

Touchdown in 30

Touchdown in 30 minutes.

Hashy's picture

F**K YEA!!!!!!!

That was FUCKING awesome. Congrats NASA. That was fucking brilliant

First raw rear haz cam image has come thru.

Awesome sh!t. Great to watch on that simulator!!!!

ltmon's picture


Fuck yeah.

chipper's picture


Damn clever stuff that! lets hope the pics and info keep coming!!

n0mad's picture

Awsum just awsum

m0rning All
Well thanX again t0 the Hashy f0r reminding us all 0f the r0b0ts we send fr0m this planet 0ut int0 the reaches 0f space….

Great Full Summary can be f0und Here

Funny Stuff

Sha8doW's picture

Sorry NASA but...

Pics or it didnt happen!

ltmon's picture


Here’s a picture of the descent as seen from the orbiter:

And here’s a diagram of where the craft landed.

3 million km travelled, and only 2km off center!

immrbob's picture

gogo america

London has olympics, america takes spotlight with landing on mars, mabye americans aren’t so dumb after all?

Hashy's picture

as a friend said..

Takes them 6 hours to get the olympics across the Atlantic… Took NASA like 12 minutes to get their data from halfway across the solar system… NBC/BBC/Shiny Karl, seriously lame!

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