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Revision of Wipe0ut/Wipe0utHD/X-Tree g0ld and Mad Paced PC Games from Sat, 11/08/2012 - 00:24
Back in the d0s game days and in the time 0f the s0und blaster pr0
and X-Tree g0ld
lived a simple game called Wipe0ut and it was fast paced and had excellent techn0 backing music t0 g0 with it, I even rec0rded sum 0f the tracks f0r my mix tape, labeled MIX TAPE 1995 anyway m0ving 0n, I really liked the Fast Pace 0f this game and haven’t really c0me acr0ss anything that c0uld match it until the 0ther day I was sitting quietly 0n a bean bag at a friends place and he fired up is playstati0n 3, me never 0wning a c0ns0le (WII = Mari0 Kart and the PS2 is kara0ke) I said what b0ring sh00tem up with n0 hit b0xes and very little real challenge t0 Us PC gamers are U g0ing t0 sh0w me this week and he replied
“U g0tta checkout this awsum game” it’s called WipeoutHD n0w I th0ught that game s0unded familiar and he placed the CD int0 the drive and I was greeted with this;
It’s wipe0ut but in gl0ri0us 1080P and man is it fun t0 play….
s0 walking away I was thinking what games 0n the PC c0uld play fast paced like Wipe0ut (Metal Drift is 0ut there but l00ks lame) I really wanted the j0urney, fast paced feeling, Wipe0ut gave me, well I came acr0ss this…….
n0w this may be g00d f0r sum Multiplayer acti0n…. and is MAD PACED….
If U have an0ther fast paced PC game U wish t0 thr0w d0wn menti0n it bel0w….
oh mah gawd
i used to play wipeout on the ps2 everyday, i might see if i can get it for ps3
Nt a fan of wipeout....
But I was batting off to the words X-tree
Question, what was the difference between x-tree and x-tree gold (apart from the colour)?
I always preferred x-tree
I loved xtree, it was a GUI without having a GUI… And it makes me wish MAMET was as good as xtree?
worst decision...
When they gave out two free games per person, I chose Infamous, and WipeoutHD…
Infamous was “okay”… It just didn’t grab me and I quit playing it..
Wipeout… I started playing it, went “ I remember this sh!t”, turned it off, never to be played again..
Seriously i reckon it is crap… Worst decision I made there, and I didn’t even pay for it!
Sounds good in theory.. In practice.. Just.. Nup… Would rather take the Exocage offroad in RoR any day!
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