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Revision of Dirty Bomb from Fri, 30/11/2012 - 23:56

Sha8doW's picture

Awwwwe Yeah, Dammmn Boy!
Get ready? I’m ready Splash Damage!

Made for PC FPS Birty Bomb

Thoughts? I’m excited!

(Shove that up your dodgy arse planetside 2)


Sha8doW's picture

Splash Damage

Follow us on twitter @TeamIPX and check out the cool response we got from Splash Damage thanking us for the support we’ve pledged to Dirty Bomb!

Fuzz's picture


That looks good. Something to look forward to!

n0mad's picture


s000000 many questi0ns
n0mad game name reserved
d0 they have r0cket launchers ?
d0 they have fanny packs ?
s00 many questi0ns

This might even push me t0 update my 0ld sk00l c0mputer 0r I’ll play in a 600×600 wind0w with all settings 0n max t0 just 0btain a 28 fps :P

Yep bring 0n sum thinking FPS….


add onto that list does it

add onto that list does it have a linux client

looks nice and would definitely love to play it if i can
(damn captchas are hard :( wish this sites password reset links worked)

Fuzz's picture


Hi slacker, I’ve set you a new password and emailed you the details. You can change it once logged in.

Also.. agreed, a Linux client would be great for this. Having Kazashi and Ltmon able to play as well as yourself would be fantastic.

Adding onto the questions… Does it have a Hog, or Hog like vehicle?

linuxslacker's picture

thanks fuzz

yeh thanks for fixing that fast

who knows they might do one splash damage did one for etqw afterall maybe if we nagg them a bit they might show some penguin <3

natural selection 2 came out they were interested in a linux port in 2010 but i haven’t heard of anything new on that. having no steam for linux was a blocker for them and thats now fixed

chipper's picture

fingers crossed

it has been so long between decent FPS. lets hope they apply KISS and make sure shite works.

ltmon's picture

Unfortunately (for Linux users)

Splash Damage have changed engines from IDTech to Unreal.

Unreal Engine had a Linux client in the works, but it was delayed again and again before finally being cancelled. I very much doubt SD would have the resources to bring a Linux client to fruition when Unreal couldn’t.

Looks like Unreal is used for Hawken, Chivalry, Borderlands and heaps of other good things. A pity Linux support never appeared :(

linuxslacker's picture

it exists

the works been done for the client ryan gordon did the port and finished it he even had screenshots of it working(before they cancelled it back in 2010 – rumor is it was an legal issue not a coding issue) so really work to get it on linux should be minimal its just a matter of motivating them to do so

even if they didn’t change it would be the same since ID has stopped doing anything for linux. atleast they are still opensourcing old tech so after ~10 years linux guys get to play

ltmon's picture

Ryan Gordon...

He’s currently porting games for the Linux Steam release, with apparently very many in the works. The only officially announced ones are Killing Floor and Red Orchestra.

linuxslacker's picture

ryan gordon

yup ryan gordon’s done amazing things for linux gaming. the very many in the works is probably the humble bundle games that have a linux version but isnt on steam/isnt steam integrated yet but who knows might be some more big titles coming.

Sha8doW's picture

I just gave

Splash Damage a Linux poke on twitter!

Cause, you know…. They’ll listen to me!

Robag's picture

Name has been reserverd

it is looking good, kind of like brink but in a current day setting


timboNZ's picture

Boo I’m really really really


I’m really really really hoping this is as good as ETQW was/is, a Linux native client would be icing on the cake too. Reserved game name = timboNZ

n0mad's picture

DB First ever gameplay f00tage

Dirty Bomb

Als0 rum0ur has it they maybe releasing this FREE ?
mmmmmm ETQW s0unds r I’m happy……..


chipper's picture

does look good. lets hope

does look good.

lets hope they get it right. smart and bug free please

Sha8doW's picture


I’ve got a question for those people…
Still toting planetside2 ?

That REALLY looks like the next ETQW

Fuzz's picture

how.long to release

anyone read anything for release date?

looks very promising

n0mad's picture

rum0ur IS

Rum0ur is December 2013 0r even Jan 2014
If it is released free my guess it will be released mid 2014

beta in 2013 w0uld be my guess……


linuxslacker's picture

An UE3 game for linux finally

new HIB7 out with a nice surprise one of the games Dungeon Defenders is done in the same engine as this
(sadly none of them are listed as downloadable through steamlinux :/ atleast theres drmfree downloads)

n0mad's picture


Supp0rt LoG


linuxslacker's picture

waiting on steam

yeh that one looks good might be my new timewaster once its on steam4linux. shank 2 and binding of isaac might be good too

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