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Revision of 12/12/12 - 12:12:12 - Where was U ? from Wed, 12/12/2012 - 12:12

n0mad's picture

Yep it’s an0ther magic date and time in a few minutes…

S0 my questi0n is – Where were U 0n the 121212121212?


0hh and my answer

I was: sitting at w0rk thinking mayb the Mayan’s knew s0methink we d0nt ?


Hashy's picture

knew it..

I knew this sh!t was coming…

I was actually busy for a change… Digging up mud and worms along with the odd garden skink, and one striped marshie ( frog)

If you want at least a basic over view of your Mayan Astrology ( at least as best as us modern people understand it, given what little information was left anyway…), try this calculator…


But then trying to find out what all that stuff means….. Where too go, I don’t know.. That’s your quest, not mine…

note: trying too actually root a star may cause some degree of burning in sensitive places…

linuxslacker's picture

i was checking teamipx site

i was checking teamipx site while wondering what is there for lunch(not much :()

Robag's picture

huh i can add one more 12 to that..............

I am at work, and I work on the 12th floor of the building.
sw33t as bro, in you face number 12 :P


Sha8doW's picture

In syd!

Drunk after a very long days work!

Tripsicle98's picture

i was sitting on station staring at the clock

then the tones went off and i split my soup

Tripsicle98's picture

i was sitting on station staring at the clock

then the tones went off and i split my soup

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