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Revision of Is anyone else interested in these? from Thu, 06/06/2013 - 13:10

Sha8doW's picture

This is really for my own interest, but it would be valuable for everyone to know what everyones intentions are for the future fun and excitment – its always been my opinion that more people playing together is where the fun is at.

This is open to both IPX and NON IPX members.. (just leave a comment if you’re a non member and ill add your thoughts to the table)
Also if you want me to add extra things or expand this to more then just games, I can do that too!

Click HERE to read MORE

PS the game headings below are links to the game dealies… just in case it wasn’t obvious enough

Rising Storm

Rising Storm is the next game in the award-winning Red Orchestra franchise. You know the great gameplay, innovative features and realistic audio and graphics of RO2 – Rising Storm will take this to the Pacific Theater, adding even more features, new levels, new weapons and new factions.


PAYDAY 2 is an action-packed, four-player co-op shooter that once again lets gamers don the masks of the original PAYDAY crew – Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains – as they descend on Washington DC for an epic crime spree.

Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes is the Marvel MMO that you have been waiting for! Play as Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Spider-Man, Captain America and many more as they team up to try and stop Doctor Doom from devastating the world with the power of the Cosmic Cube.

Mini Motor Racing EVO

Take your favorite childhood racer, pump it full of nitrous, then set it on fire and run like heck.” Welcome to the world of Mini Motor Racing EVO. A high-octane battle royal, Mini Motor Racing EVO has all the style of classic arcade racers combined with the explosive action of modern racing games.

Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4™ is a genre-defining, action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory – moments found only in Battlefield. With dynamic destructible environments, epic vehicular combat, and the chaos of all-out war, Battlefield 4 gives you the freedom to do more and be more for an unrivaled entertainment experience. A Copy/Paste of the broken Battlefield 3, even after the Bazillion DLC moneygrabs which were never supported.

Name Rising Storm Yes/No/Already Own PayDay2 Yes/No/Already Own Marvel Heroes Yes/No/Already Own Mini Motor Yes/No/Already Own Battlefield 4 Yes/No/Already Own Comment
Shad Yes Yes Yes (if other people are) Already Own No (but ill get if everyone else is -
n0mad No No Looks cool Yes ill B buying when next sale No GREAT IDEA
Trip No No No No Pre-Ordered :) Your a clever man shad
Somtin Nein Nein Nein Nein Nein old laptop… :(
Robag Maybe Hellz yes Maybe Yes Nope eat me EA hmm Time for some new GFX Cards :P
Fuzz No Yes No Already Own No (unless everyone else is getting it… played about 5 mins of BF3) -
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Tripsicle98's picture

It would appear i cannot edit it .

Is anyone else having this issue?

PerfectSanga's picture

Trip is right

Yeah, I can’t seem to edit it either?

n0mad's picture

Try editing

U can edit n0w…..


Tripsicle98's picture

Yeah Na

Still nothing n0mad

Fuzz's picture


Default permissions are u can’t edit other people’s blog posts

Tripsicle98's picture

Fuzz is a Genius

Cheers Man

n0mad's picture


Yes I fixed the table f0r members but missed h0nary members, thanx Fuzz

1/2 Fixed by n0mad
1/2 Fixed by Fuzz


Somtin's picture


I HIGHLY doubt my laptop will play any of those.. ):
1.6GHz dual core processor with an integrated graphics chip is a bit sad. I don’t see myself getting a nice computer any time soon since my laptop died. Sorry guys.

Sha8doW's picture


My laptop which is 6years old is better than that!

Maybe that’s why it cost be $7k

Microman's picture


Who buys a $7k laptop? D:

Unless you’re paying for some kind of ruggedised model, I’m sure it would make more sense to buy several laptops over that period of time…

Tripsicle98's picture

Yeah thats crazy,

Just watched the video for Payday2 that looks awesome .

Sha8doW's picture

pretty fail

response here peoples

linuxslacker's picture

all no for me

sadly none of them have linux support(some i would <3 to play if it did like battlefield 4, payday and rising storm)

Planetary annihilation(modern TA – same devs) is now on steam i backed it when it was on kickstarter so i got the alpha(works on linux now too)
since its an alpha its a little buggy,laggy and unfinished so you might not want to get it yet but would be a good choice when it gets released(December i think they are aiming for. its 90bucks for alpha but the price will drop for beta($60)/release($40)so much hate on steam forums about price hell most console games here are above 90) and as a bonus its cross platform

painkiller HD was meant to be out may/june but has been delayed with no eta. would also be a good choice when its ready

Somtin's picture


(btw, seen spring?

linuxslacker's picture

<3 spring

yeh i know about spring <3 to play it against bots(i suck too much for online play)

remember if you choose to get PA now for $90 its in alpha state so dont expect too much polish or features or even gameplay(no space stuff yet only a few units going to be cool to see how the game develop) most people will want to wait for beta or retail. i backed it because i <3 TA(best RTS ever id rate it better then starcraft) and i think they deserve my money for the remake

hmm wonder if there’s enough TA lovers here that suck for a fun game of balanced annihilation in spring sometime

Somtin's picture


I’m definitely keen for some BA sometime. I played a little bit online, but was always at the bottom of the scoreboard… So usually it was just my mates and I.

I agree, TA is an amazing game. So stoked that there is a remake! (:

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