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Revision of WHACKER-ROONIE! from Wed, 05/06/2013 - 21:31

Sha8doW's picture

I have just read 2 of the most awesome articles EVER… announcing that they are making a game based around DUCKTALES!

Problem: while this is great news and a digitally remastered ducktales is AWESOME news.. they are remaking the WRONG DUCKTALES GAME!

Videos and more HERE!

For those who dont know – EDUCATE YOURSELF Ducktales was one of the greatest cartoons of all time.
hand drawn, non re-re-rehashed crisp animation which defined quality! Disney Spent big, and it came off big. They even had an AWESOME game, which capcom are apparetly re-mastering.

They should be remaking THIS version! The Original PC Version

But instead they are doing THIS (A remake to the Nintendo console version), which is still cool (ps, its not on steam yet)



I must admit, I just want the Original PC verson back/playable… but this new one had me WET!

The Articles…


Fuzz's picture


Found a new ringtone for my phone… the pc speaker version of the theme from the first video.

ltmon's picture

Nostalgia anyone?

Step 1: Download and install dosbox:

Step 2: Ask ltmon for the super secret, never before released, haxxors only link to get hold of “Ducktales: Quest for Gold” (or just effing Google it yourself)

Step 3: Profit!

Very playable (but very retro!)

Robag's picture

I have not tried

dosbox or is scummVM a better choice ??????


Kazozza's picture

Worth a look.

This isn’t the remake you’re looking for….

I had Quest for Gold on the Amiga. Great game, many hours lost to it.
‘Launchpad McQuack, Flying ace, at your service!’

Sha8doW's picture


absolute gold Idea Lt! i never thought of that!

Sha8doW's picture


Doesnt ScummVM only work on Lucas Arts games?

ltmon's picture


ScummVM is for games written using the SCUMM engine.

Mostly this is LucasArts games, but some other companies licensed it I think.

In any case, I tested DosBOX with Duck Tales, and it works just fine.

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