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Revision of Question from Sun, 23/03/2014 - 14:48

PerfectSanga's picture

Hey guys, just curious, so, one of my principles at school is discriminating people with bald heads and i feel really bad for all the girls and guys who have shaved there heads. Any ideas on how to help them out?


Robag's picture


well that sounds bad
why would he do that ???
at Robag_Jr’s school they do the greatest shave and it is support buy the teachers.


HarassmentPanda's picture

Discriminating how?

I think depending on what they are doing is really the key on what you can do.
Could write to your local paper?

Sha8doW's picture

You can do a number of things

But the simplest thing to do is realise that the principal, while a position of authority which should be respected at all times, is a douche.
Realise that he/she is only going to be in your life for a very short period of time and that fundamentally after you graduate they will be as worthless as shit on your shoe in the real world!
Also realise that they are probably getting a buzz out of the bullying and sometimes zero reaction is more effective to damage their ego.
You’ll deal with worse and more “career threatening” people in your life… Realizing their idiots and not letting them effect you is part of resilience which you need to learn!

Bit don’t disrespect the position!!

Also if you really think its really that bad there are avenues which you can pursue. But they are formal and you need to be ready for a nasty fight!

Somtin's picture

wise man shad

“But the simplest thing to do is realise that the principal, while a position of authority which should be respected at all times, is a douche.
Realise that he/she is only going to be in your life for a very short period of time and that fundamentally after you graduate they will be as worthless as shit on your shoe in the real world!”

Don’t let people like this get to you Sanga, the world is full of them, you can’t fight them all and you certainly can’t fight everyone else’s problems for them. You get dragged into a mess that in the end you wished you never got into and it’s not worth it.
You want the sad truth? The world is full of idiots and losers, who love to make themselves feel big by making others feel small and that’s just the way the world works. Don’t let them get to you, otherwise you’ll spend your whole life being affected by it and worrying about them. Surround yourself in people who aren’t douchebags, and just shrug off the ones who are. Be the better person and ignore their attempts to bully, while still respecting their positions of authority (if they have them).

Tripsicle98's picture

What i always did was write a letter,

Ask Micro…. It seemed to get me things :)

willow's picture


I shaved my head in Iraq once…too bloddy hot there!! So too did most of the lads!!

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