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Happy Birthday Ltmon have a great day
Insert funny video here
Eat all the cake :)
Ta Robag
Pfft few years learning dos commands… Dos /windows wishes it was as good as the Linux shell still better then mac where you wait on that beach ball and having opengl from last decade
Happy birthday LT hope you have a good one
Hope you had a great day Ltmon.
Belatedly… was a good birthday. Plenty of Peking Duck and beer.
Happy Birthday big fella
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happy birthday LT
Eat all the cake :)
Happy b/day lt
Pfft few years learning dos commands… Dos /windows wishes it was as good as the Linux shell still better then mac where you wait on that beach ball and having opengl from last decade
Happy birthday LT hope you have a good one
Hope you had a great day Ltmon.
Thanks Guys
Belatedly… was a good birthday. Plenty of Peking Duck and beer.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday big fella
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