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Revision of New Game Possibility from Sat, 29/03/2008 - 19:00

Sha8doW's picture

h3 p=. FRONTLINES – Fuel of War

Write up from THQ

Platform: Xbox 360 | PC
Genre: First Person Shooter
Release Date: 28/02/2008
Age Rating: M

Set in a fictional future based upon the headlines of today, FFOW brings players into the world’s next Great War. As society succumbs to a worldwide energy crisis, a new global depression takes hold. Amidst this desperate backdrop, two superpower alliances emerge. Join the battle on the frontlines of tomorrow as the Western Coalition (US/EU) or the Red Star Alliance (Russia/China).

• Tomorrow’s weapons, today – As depicted in FFOW, the Western Coalition and the Red Star Alliance have combined their military research and budgets, and the result is over 60 next-gen vehicles and weapons inspired by military designs for the p=. ~near future. These include remote controlled drones, gun cams, and next-generation counter-measure systems, all of which are player-controllable.

• Advanced information sharing – Use high-tech combat systems to collect and relay recon, targeting, and threat information between team-mates. Target acquisition and sharing between vehicle occupants is just one example of FFOW’s focus on an advanced team play experience.

• Customization – The customization system allows players to develop their soldier to fit their play style by choosing a weapons loadout, as well as a technical specialization (role). As the game progresses, each role will upgrade, providing advanced equipment and abilities. It mixes RPG-like depth with the accessibility of a fast-paced FPS.

• Frontline combat system – The main game mechanic featured in FFOW in both single player and multiplayer modes is the ability to join the forces on the front line. This front expands across large portions of a mission and will require a firm strategy to achieve the objectives in order to move this front forward. Not only does this system keep the battle centric and players in the midst of the action, it gives a unique sense of advancement as your Division is rewarded with territory for their victories.

• Choose your path to victory. Take advantage of a sandbox of destructible elements to create a unique path and strategy through each mission. Instead of failing and re-playing the same sequence of events, players can chip-away with varied approaches, allowing diverse missions with high replay value.



is good

I have it and have been playing for bout a week. Its fun game. Needs a bit of fine tuning, was prob release to early but still is really good.

ltmon's picture

Looks kinda familiar...

That banner at the top… they must have stolen that artwork from ET:QW? Or do all future soldiers look like that?

Has anyone tried out Savage 2 yet btw? It’s now released for Windows and Linux, so something us penguinistas could get in on as well. I did try Savage 1, but never quite got into it.

It’s a multiplayer, online game which is hybrid RTS and FPS. I think certain players need to play as “commander” or something to look after strategy whilst others play “action”. Someone who’s actually played it could probably explain it better than me.

Looks nice

Front Lines does indeed look nice, I have been watching the hype
for a while now in the news section of my service provider. I have
little doubt that like Qauke Wars I would need to run the game in a
low video setting as my computer is aging rapidly.
However as Lt pointed out savage 2 could be a viable option. When
they made Savage 1 free ware I played many hours and had a ball.
The game is simplistic but only to a degree, once you are placed into
the commanders chair you really have to ante up! So I guess what I’m
driving toward is that if the price were right I wouldn’t hesitate to snatch
up Savage 2 for some net time with the lads; and lady, before I would
drop ninety or so dollars on Front Lines. <- Made that mistake with Quake
Wars sadly.

I see screen caps

After looking at the screen caps closely, that Shadow kindly provided
I would go out on a limb an assume that Front Lines was built on the
same engine that Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter was, if that is
indeed the case, my computer would likely go into cardiac arrest
shortly after joining the server.

ltmon's picture

Savage 2

It’s available online only for US$30.

The demo is the full game, but you get barred from playing after 5 hours.

I’m downloading now to give it a go. At that price it’s worth a bit of fun, even if it doesn’t become a Team IPX “official” game.

Savage 1 always has a lot of players, due to it being a freebie I guess. Hopefully s2 will at least have one active server in Australia at any given time.

Kazozza's picture

looks pretty cool, might

looks pretty cool, might watch this one for a bit

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