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Revision of Top 2 Australian Teams do battle tomorrow - details inside from Mon, 14/04/2008 - 21:51

I don’t know how I got roped into this..wait I do but anyway, I’ll be doing a shoutcast tomorrow. For all info including how to listen to your fellow IPX’er attempt some sort of decent shoutcast click!


My noobish comment :( What

My noobish comment :(
What is a shoutcast?

Robag's picture


wow that takes me back thank god we don’t need to use real player to listen to them :)

hmmmmm winamp, i feel like wipping a liama a$$

Fuzz's picture

Screw Norway

I got nfi either… I’ll take a guess though.

Hak’s gonna be on the server, also on Team Speak explaining what’s going on to anyone else in the TS channel. He’ll also be required to shout the words “Screw Norway” repeatedly every time someone dies. (That’s my understanding at least)

Yep fuzz has got it right:)

Yep fuzz has got it right:) Though now if u follow the link you’ll see i managed to score a dedicated shoutcast server from rouge to use. All you’ll need is winamp or windows media player and add the ip address in there about 7.30-8 tonight:)

Kazozza's picture

nice work Haklin, great

nice work Haklin, great commentary!

Fuzz's picture

wd Haklin

Great commentary. Can you call the football on the weekend? Rabs is losing his marbles

Sha8doW's picture

Shout Cast Gold

Even if I only heard IPX twice…. it was still good!

Been asking around. A lot of people listened in and they all thought you did a great job

Pinge's picture


Excellent work Haklin.
I had my son (Ayum) sitting alongside me and we listened to the call.
Excellent what you did and you should be rightly pleased with your efforts.


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