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Revision of Interesting things that you can do with the website and how... input required from Fri, 20/02/2009 - 10:35

Sha8doW's picture


Am looking to make a page of tips/tricks/guides/how to/links for help on how to edit content on the site.
the goal is to give people who are less savy and possibly the new members a brief run down on what they can do with the site and their posts.

If you know of how to do something special on the site, please add it to the list below.
I am giving away 20 Svalbards to each to the adder per item added.

here is an example of some Formatting hints/tips/guides/howto


Issue: How to make text bold.
Description:To make text BOLD you must add an asterix (*) at the start and finish of the text you wish to bold.
Example: This text is now BOLD would look like: ‘AsterixThis text is now boldAsterix’ (note the no spaces between the * characters and the start and end text)
Added by: Shad

External Linking

Issue: How to create a neat link such as YouTube rather then having the long messy links?
Description: To create a neat link simply place inverted coma’s (”) around the word you with to link, followed directly a colon (:) and then by the link with no spaces.
Example: TeamipxIPX ETQW Stats would look like: ‘InvertedcomaTextInvertedcomaColonLink’ (note the locations of spaces/nospaces)
Added by: Shad

Adding a picture

Issue: how do I add a picture into the site?
Description To add a photo/picture to your blog, comment etc you 1st need a flickr account, which is free. If you dont already have one you can get one here
You will need a Yahoo ID, if you dont already have one of those you can get one of those here
Once you have a login and can access flickr, upload your photos as per the normal flickr process.
Now once you have uploaded the pictures, flickr will assign a flickr ID number to the picture.
To insert the picture use the flickr ID in this format: flickr-photo:id=INSERT NUMBER HERE,size=INSERT SIZE CODE this code should start and finish with [ and ]
You must pick a size code from those offered from flickr: Size codes are ‘s’ for ‘Square’, ‘t’ for tumbnail, ‘m’ for ‘small’ and ‘o’ for large. for medium remove the ,size= from behind the flickr id number
Example: looks like ‘BRACKETflickr-photo:id=IDNUMBER,size=SizecodeBRACKET’ (remember to insert [ and ] in place of the BRACKET)
Added by: Shad

mini text
Issue: how to make text smaller… like this
Description: to make text smaller and make captions for example put the tilde sign(~) at the start and end of the text you desire to look small
Example: this is mini text would look like TILDEthis is mini textTILDE

Issue: how to i make text larger to create a heading1
Description: To create larger text or headings you need to put the following code (preceeding your desired larger text) h3. followed buy a space and then your text. (you can choose either 3, 2 or 1 to represent different sizes (tip. Make sure you have an empty line above/below your heading otherwise it doesnt work ;) )
Example: the below are all completed the same way – by starting a new line, adding h(number1,2 or3).SPACE then your text

This is a heading with the number 3

This is a heading with the number 2

This is a heading with the number 1

Added by: Shad

Centered Text

Issue: how to create centered text
Description: To make text centered on a page simply start a new line (make sure there is also an empty line above), and put the following code (preceding your desired centered text) p=.SPACE followed by your text (make sure you add an empty line below your text otherwise the formatting will continue down the page)
Example: this is same text as below but with p=. added at the start of the line

this is same text as above but with p=. added at the start of the line

Added by: Shad

When adding to this page please use the following format.

Description of Issue/Hint/tip or problem:
Description of how to:
Example of how to:
Added by:

some suggestions of items which could be added to this list: creating headings of different sizes, coloured text, tables etc


n0mad's picture

FP2FP and LM

Forum Post 2 Front Page
Think your blog is Forum worthy
How to create a Forum entry but have it post on the front page as well
1) – Create Content
2) – Forum Topic
3) – Fill in Subject, Forum Type and Fill in Body
4) – Left click Publishing options
then tick the box for – Promoted to front page
n0t only will it be logged in the Forum but also promoted to the front page


Log Messages
Another handy hint while posting is to fill in the area under
Log message:
This message is shown on the far right under recent changes and shows a brief description
of why you posted/did some changes :P

Can we in the White House have a pay increase now ?
No U cannot…
Um but your moto was “yes we can” ?
Listen to my speech I’m doing right now…..

Fuzz's picture

Fuzz tips

Creating PAGES
Issue: How do I add pages to the site and have them appear in the left side Navigation menu
Nothing special is needed to do this. All members from Honorary up to Founder have permissions. Create a page via the “Create Content” button, and choose “page”. Give the page a title, and fill it with content. The trick to get it to appear in the left side menu is to choose “Menu Settings”, and fill out the “Title” you want it to appear as in the menu, and the “Parent Item” (where you want it to appear in the menu). Most pages would would go somewhere a few levels below site topics. See example.
Example: Creating a page just for Padman under Gaming.
Create Content > Page >
Title = Padman
Body = (content of your page)
Menu settings > Title = Padman
Parent Item = Gaming
Done! Next time you go to the gaming page, your Padman page will appear in the navigatoin menu on the left.
Bonus – as many don’t look in the navigation menu, it’s suggested also creating a link to the page you created in the gaming page itself. Edit Gaming and add a line in an appropriate place
(note since the link is an internal link, ie one to our website, we can leave out the beginning of the url, and it will still work. The full URL of the above link was – shortened to gaming/padman)
After reading that, does it sound like our website is a wiki? That’s because it is (along with a Blog, a private messaging system, a task management system, and a gaming system). Remember you can edit pages too just as easily.
Added by: Fuzz

Raising Issues (Task, feature request, support request, etc)
Issue: I’ve found either a bug on the site, or would like to request a feature, need help with something, or know a task that needs to be done. Where do I put that?
Logging issues / tasks / bug reports etc: The same way you create a blog entry, or a poll. Create Content > Issue, then follow the prompts filling out the fields as best you can. If your issue could fall into multiple projects, just pick the one it seems best suited to.

Viewing issues: There are several ways to get to see the issues. One is there is Issues link in your left hand navigation menu. Also the Projects link from the menu. From there there are several links that will show you different lists of the issues. Once you have a list of issues up, it’s simple to change the search criteria to show you a wider or narrower search.

Working on issues: Pick an issue you want to work on, and assign to yourself and off you go. Change the status when you’re finished, or want someone to check it. When you are finished an issue, change it to “Fixed”.

Notifications: Issues don’t get promoted to the front page like blog entries and polls. So it’s important that if this is going to work everyone has a way of keeping up with the issues.
Everyone should go there and select to be notified for either “All projects, Own issues” or “All projects, All issues”.

Not that this should be your primary reason for helping out with this, but for every issue you raise you get 10 svalbards, and for every time you update an issue in any way you get 2.
Example: Best examples are to view some existing issues. Here’s a selection from each project:
Web site:
Added by: Fuzz

HarassmentPanda's picture

Seing though we are talking about it

How do you bump a post to the top of the list? Stuff like the hockey game can get lost after a week but is a long term planning exercise.

Fuzz's picture

My thoughts

It’s ordered by date posted. So without hacking that and getting things out of order, you can’t. I don’t think you really need to though. There’s always going to be a very visible link to it in “Upcoming Events”. You’ve got the same issue with comments on old posts. Dealt with by having prominent links in the “Recent Comments” block on the right.

Also, if you’re using the Recent Changes page as your home page – or the recent changes RSS feed – it’s not an issue.

Fuzz's picture


The other thing we can do is create specific views for how you want posts sorted. So for example, I’ve created a view to sort all posts by latest comment.

See here

If anyone prefers that to the default front page, just bookmark that instead of

There’s a lot more we can do with views, but most is only possible in Drupal 6 / Views 2.

Sha8doW's picture

There is a way

there is a way to do it… Its called weighting. you can select a weight when you make a page. It works how? You assign a weight an item( 0-10 ). The lighter items float to the top and the heavier items sink to the bottom. It requires EVERYTHING to be weighted individually. if things arent weighted or weighted the same it defults to date order…
I prefer it to be date order preference. and suggest you dont f#*k with it….
Panda. From experiance with organising hockey id suggest an email to invitees referencing your page. I would also agree with the recent changes link referenced by fuzz (but thats another tool tip -> unless someone beats me too it ;))

Fuzz's picture


Think that only works for menu items… might be wrong tho.

B4 anyone suggests using the sticky function – we already use that for something else, so that won’t work.

Fuzz's picture

2 people contributed... wtf?

How is it only two people contributed to thread (along with Shad)? That’s sad. I’ve waited two weeks to post a few more of these because I didn’t want to steal any you guys might contribute. Guess that was a waste of time. Anyway, here’s some more Shad. Shad, n0mad – if you’ve got more, we may as well put them all in now.

Fuzz's picture

Textile Syntax Tip

Textile Syntax
Issue: How do I format text in the website?
Description: The website uses a markup called Textile. Textile is a lightweight markup language originally developed by Dean Allen and billed as a “humane Web text generator”. Textile converts its marked-up text input to valid, well-formed XHTML and also inserts character entity references for apostrophes, opening and closing single and double quotation marks, ellipses and em dashes. “But I don’t know what textile syntax is off by heart… How do I use it!!” Directly below the text input area there is an option that can be unrolled called “Input Format”. Click that and you can see some information about the syntax we use. It shows a few examples of how to do things like refer to issues by just typing in hash and their issue number. All the detail you’re looking for is under “more information”. Open that in a new tab and scroll down to the “Textile” heading (it may be at the top for you – only users with permissions to see other input formats will have to scroll). Now you have all the info you need, including how to:

  • bold text
  • make tables
  • colour text
  • make headings
  • quote text
  • add pictures from flickr
  • make lists
  • insert views (this is a powerful one)
  • Link to project issues via simple syntax like this: 1, resulting in 2

Once you have mastered everything on this inbuilt info page, there are many other resources for textile syntax on the web that are useful. Here’s just a few:
Example: N/A
Added by: Fuzz

Fuzz's picture


BTW I’d extend this to “how to do anything at all in Team IPX” (if it isn’t already). Things like how do you accept a challenge, challenge a team, organise a random game etc.

Fuzz's picture


Challenging a Team (GA Ladder)
Issue: How to challenge a team in the GA Ladder.
Description: The beginning of a process has been written for this for a while. Requires fleshing out in some areas – like a template of what should go in the actual challenge page.
See Challenging a Team – GA Ladder
Please contribute to it there. Also that’s what is expected of the organizer for each challenge. Including updating the stats.
Added by: Fuzz

Accepting a challenge (GA Ladder)
Issue: How to accept a challenge in the GA Ladder.
Description: The beginning of a process has been written for this for a while. Requires fleshing out in some areas – like a template of what should go in the actual challenge page.
See Responding to a Challenge – GA Ladder
Please contribute to it there. Also that’s what is expected of the organizer for each challenge. Including updating the stats.
Added by: Fuzz

chipper's picture

hey fuzz

saw this thread but haven’t bothered to respond because most of this info is already available in one place or another on the site. plus i’m a lazy bugger ;)

Sha8doW's picture

may as well run with what we have

and what we think is important.

pity more people didnt get on board.

we will use what we have, and construct somthing for new members to assist them on startup

Fuzz's picture

Linking to issues

Linking to issues
Issue: How to link to an issue
Description: There is a custom format for linking to issues raised on the site. Each issue has it’s own unique ID that can be found in the URL of the issue. eg.
To create a link to this issue use the following syntax:
This outputs as: 1
Automatically it replaces #675 with “issue id: issue title”. If issues are resolved, the links are struck through as above.
In Drupal 6, this is extended with the links having green background colour for open issues, and red for resolved.
Added by: Fuzz

Fuzz's picture

Internal Linking

Internal Linking
Issue: How to create links to internal pages on the site
Description: The same syntax as External Linking, except there is no need to specify the in the link.
Example: eg. To link to the “About Team IPX” page. The full URL to this is
"About Team IPX":about+team+ipx
Notice how the is removed. This serves two purposes:
1. No need to specify the full URL to the site over and over
2. More importantly, it ensures links on our test sites link to themselves, not back to the live site.
Added by: Fuzz

Sha8doW's picture

so what do we want to take this from here?

see sunbect

Fuzz's picture

Hope that's a rhetorical question

Shit… I thought you knew where you were going with this

Fuzz's picture


Am looking to make a page of tips/tricks/guides/how to/links for help on how to edit content on the site.

So i guess the question is what do we want to call the page, and where should it live in the site?

Fuzz's picture

Recent Changes Page

Recent Changes – page
Issue: How to keep up to date with the site
Description: The site is provided as the central method of communication / organisation for Team IPX. For it to work, as part of being a *member of Team IPX, you are required to keep yourself up to date with the site. There are two ways that will provide you with this information easily. Recent Changes Page is the first.
Recent Changes Page shows the most recent pages created, blog posts / news articles etc posted, comments created, and pages edited (along with details of what was changed). Viewing this page keeps you completely up to date with the site. If you’re going to use this method, one suggestion would be to either change your home page to this, or change your bookmark to to be to the recent changes page rather than the normal front page.
Added by: Fuzz

Fuzz's picture

Recent Changes Feed

Recent Changes – RSS Feed
Issue: How to keep up to date with the site, without having to continually check the site to see if anything has changed (by using the RSS feed).
Description: If option 1 (recent changes page) sounds a little illogical – ie having to continually check a page to see if there is new content, you’ll be happy to know there is a more efficient way. On the recent changes page, up in the address bar there will be an orange RSS icon. If you click that, there are options to subscribe to this in an RSS reader.

RSS (or Really Simple Syndication) provides a convenient way for you to receive content “feeds” from a variety of sources, including the latest content from
When you subscribe to an RSS feed, blog entries, challenges, new comments, page edits etc are automatically delivered to you.

In order to subscribe to feeds, you need to download news reader software or use a Web-based news reader. This allows you to access all your feeds in one convenient location. Some free suggestions are:

Desktop feed readers:

  • Thunderbird – if you’re already using Thunderbird as your email client, this is a logical place to subscribe to the RSS feed. Each change to the site will be delivered to a folder displayed in a similar fashion to email.
  • Linux – there’s a few options that come preinstalled on most distros of Linux. Ask one of our resident Linux experts for their preferences.

Web feed readers:

  • Google reader – a good feed reader, but like email, I tend to prefer desktop software that’s always running. Having to log into google reader (or even gmail for email) to manually check if you have new mail / news feeds defeats the purpose of being automatically notified.

A more extensive list is here:

Once you’re set up with this, you will be automatically notified of new content on the site.

Added by: Fuzz

Sha8doW's picture


But how much more do YOU wanna add. And how would YOU like to disburse?

Fuzz's picture

I can add heaps more, but

I can add heaps more, but I’d prefer to be adding to it once it’s moved to it’s permanent place. The more I add now, the more work moving it will be.

What’s a disburse?

Sha8doW's picture

how/Where would you suggest

I was thinking jsut a standard page with the link in the acceptance letters

Fuzz's picture


Suggest moving all the tips to a “tips / tricks” page under site topics. Not fussed on the name.

Then, a new page under Site Topics called Induction, visible only to Honorary, Member and Founders. All that’s on induction is links to pages that new members need to read / do, one being the tips / tricks page, along with others like the QW prac page, the Gaming page, rule book, glossary of terms, chat page, etc.

Structure something like this:

* Site Topics
** Induction
Welcome, yada yada. Please read and respond to the following pages etc
- Link to Tips / Tricks
- Link to QW prac page
- Link to Gaming page
- Link to Rule Book
** Tips / Tricks
(tips from this page)

And a link to the Induction page from the acceptance letter. New guys just need a simple set of steps they need to go through to get to know their responsibilities, rather than what they have now which is just whatever a few of us remember to tell them on their welcome page.

Some of the induction steps require action (eg signing the prac page, joining the ladder, etc – could add some more here too).

To make it through the trial period they would be required to complete each action. Failure to do so within the trial period would terminate their membership. We’ve had enough trouble in the past with people only bothering to respond to games when they feel like it. Would be nice to put an end to that now.

Fuzz's picture

This is now tracked in [#705]

I’ve moved the relevent discussion there where we probably should have had it in the first place. All updates can go 1
Closing comments here to avoid duplication of content.