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Revision of IPX vs ADA - ETQW GA Ladder - S05G07 from Sun, 01/08/2010 - 11:05

Robag's picture
09/07/2009 21:00
09/07/2009 23:30
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
Competition / Ladder
ETQW GA Ladder

The challenger: Team IPX
The defender: Australasian Defence Alliance
Match Status: Match Date Finalised.
Response deadline: Met by ADA
All times EST

The Map: Sewer
The Day: Thursday 9th July 2009
Captain: Kraizen (unless anyone wants it)
Tactics: Forthcoming
Strategy: Forthcoming
Result: Forfeit

Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Comment
mattatuide notsure edit by robag
Willow No Oh deaarr
Kraizen Yes Battle!
n0mad No Can’t Wait 4 this rematch but may B AWOL
Robag Yes it’s time to kick ass and chew gum owww i’m all out of gum
Microman171 No It’s the holidays, but I have a job now!
Somtin Yes ALMOST certain I can. Almost.
nestern No Sorry guys. Im going on a holiday to hawaii for a few days(i leave on thursday)
chipper N soz guys out of town
Rayne Yes Can Captain if you need Sound fixed can borrow Mic
Name Y/N Comment
Name Y/N Comment




game times

posted on the ada website the times are: Wednesday 08:00pm (8 July) Thursday 09:00pm (9 July) Friday 07:00pm (10 July)

Sha8doW's picture


U rally gotta fix the proforma dealie template!

ADA havent accepted yet

But yes will convert shortly


thats 4 :)

willow's picture


thats 5 if you count urself twice…lol



Robag's picture

need more players

Rayne, Ltmon, Shadand DJ-BBQ anyone


Robag's picture

The challenger: Team IPX The

The challenger: Team IPX
The defender: Australasian Defence Alliance
Match Status: Challenge Accepted
Match Time: 09:00pm 9/7/2009
Current server time: 2:33:25pm 9/7/2009
Referee Requested: No
Starting Map: sewer

Booked Date and Time Thursday, 9 July 2009 @ 09:00pm
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Game: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Unranked
Server address:
Max players: 14

RCON password: ghcqgo
Join Password: aergtr


good luck tonight guys……..and kraizen XD
hope you have 6 players and if you dont you can blame me :(
have fun and KICK ASS

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