Mattatuide's blog

Brink Release Date

Looks like we finally have a release date for Brink. No word yet for Australia but we get games close to the US releases so hopefully the middle of May.

Brink, an immersive first-person shooter under development at Splash Damage, will be available in North America on May 17th and in Europe on May 20th. Brink was named as the ‘Game of Show’ at Eurogamer Expo 2010, while declared “Brink takes shooters to a whole new level.” Blending single-player, co-op, and multiplayer action into one seamless experience, Brink features dynamic battlefields, extensive customization options, and an innovative control system.


Brink Homepage

Team Meating Tonight

Hey guys we have a team meeting tonight, so could you please show up so we can get some dates and times for the finals.

6pm QLD time
7pm Robag time
9pm NZ time

thanks guys.

Happy Birthday Deadite

Happy bithday you 22 year old stud.

I'm at shads house

haha im at shad’s house, with robag. where are you?

Steam 1000 Game sale

I knew it would be along soon, so here it is.

Steam 1000 Game sale

Here are some of the best i could find.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 66% off – $13.49

Dirt 2 335 off – $13.39

L4D2 50% off – $9.99

Peggle Complete 60% off – $7.99

SEGA Mega Drive Classics 2 Pack 25% off – $7.49

Golden Axe 25% off – $2.61

John Deere Drive Green 75% off – $7.50

And the best i have found
Grey’s Anatomy: The Video Game 25% off – $22.49

BC2:VIETNAM Release date and time

So BC2:V is out today for the PC (18th 3 days early for pre-order ) and it looks like we get jibed for being in AUS and NZ.

From what I can tell we will get it unlocked @ 0900 GMT.

The times are –
QLD – 7pm
Rest of AUS – 8pm
NZ – 10pm

so looks like we have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up to us to play.

First 5 People to jump into mumble get a free game!!!!!!!!

I have 5 copies of A game to give away through steam and the fist 5 people to jump into mumble will get a copy.
the Mystery Game is a 3rd person shooter.

what should I get Crazy_as for christmas????

i have no idea. Anyone care to give me some suggestions.

Matt needs a NEW computer.

New computer time.

budget is $1500 – $2000, Dont need a case but everything else is fair game.
Only thing is Nvidia and Intel only please.
don’t need – keyboard,monitor, speakers.

Product _. Quantity _. Price _. Gst _. Total
1 $329.00 $29.91 $329.00
1 $133.00 $12.09 $133.00
1 $106.00 $9.64 $106.00
1 $194.00 $17.64 $194.00
1 $145.00 $13.18 $145.00
1 $115.00 $10.45 $115.00
1 $249.00 $22.64 $249.00

Places i can go

People are awesome

2:40 and 3:40 are the best bits.

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