Fuzz's blog

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Speaking of Svalbards...

With QLD’s historic win tonight comes a much greater travesty. My svalbards… they go to Willow!

Congrats mate. They didn’t play the best tonight, but took the opportunities handed to them and were good enough to hold NSW out in that second half. Bet you were hating Jarryd Hayne by about half time.

200 Svalbards well earned (plus ur original 200 from the bet back).


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Duke Nukem Forever Review

I haven’t watched it yet, but somehow I can just tell this will be one of the best ZP reviews of all time…

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Newbie Guide: How to shop at MSY Australia

Laughed my arse off reading this. For anyone in the dark, MSY is a very cheap hardware shop. I’ve heard many a story (Panda mostly) about how terrible the experience is buying from there. Anyway, have a read, while I continue to be thankful I’ve never tried to buy from there.


(Avoiding stabs in the eye by not saying Cheers or k thx bye)

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Folding update - May 2009

Last time we checked in on the Team IPX Folding@Home project we had just broken into the top 10,000 teams worldwide.

Since then we have slowly been climbing the rankings and as of today are ranked 6557 – and that’s just with Hashy, Robag and myself.

We’d love it if we could get some more contributors and push that ranking up even higher. Remember, you don’t need high powered hardware to contribute, any old piece of junk can fold during periods of inactivity. And it’s easy to set up a folding task to run when your PC has been inactive for 10 or 15 mins, and stop when you come back to your PC.

How to get involved: here

Thanks for the contributions of those involved.

EDIT: Update, 25/5/2009 – Rank 5755.
High enough for Extreme Overclocking’s stats site to index our team (but not yet out individual users – need to get to top 3000 for that).

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Steelseries mouse $50

I noticed the Steelseries Optical (and laser) Gaming mouse is $50 at JB. Both n0mad and myself have this mouse, purchased for ~$100 only a few months ago and have been nothing but happy. Lt’s one broke, but so did his other 9 mice so I’m assuming he’s using his as a hammer.

Anyway, if you’re interested, here’s some pics:

and the product link: http://www.steelseries.com/int/products/mice/ikari_optical/information

For $50, it’s well worth it (hell I was happy to pay $99)

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Screw Daylight Savings

Due to the time changing for daylight savings ending, and the site being so flexible as to let every user have their own time zone, most of your time zones are out of whack right now.

This issue has been around for a while (1), and the workaround is still applicable. So please take a second to check your time zone settings and update them accordingly (important for challenge times appearing correctly).

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7 dinosaurs you could take in a fight

Top of the morning to ye,

Being a bit of a dinosaur fan myself, I enjoyed this one:

Far cry from dinosaurs in their hey day… er… back in the 80’s (that’s the best segway I could come up with for these)


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A Tribute to Discontinued Cereals

Morning all,

Came across this in my daily travels:


(includes videos of the commercials)

Smurf magic berries, C3PO’s, MR T’s, Dunkin Donuts, Quake, Ninja Turtles, Bill and Teds, Ghostbusters, just to name a few! Damn, they don’t make cereals like they used to.


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Site outage

Hi all,

There was a slight issue with an attempt to update the test site today which resulted in the live site’s database being overwritten. I’ve reverted the live site to last nights backup. This means any content from about 4am today has been lost. If you posted anything since then, please repost if it’s important. Other than that, everything should be back to normal.

If anything’s not working, please raise an issue

(not how I planned to spend my Sunday, but what can you do)

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What I learned from Left 4 Dead

Or something some other guy learned and made a comic out of

(comic inside)

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