HarassmentPanda's blog

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Another Game?

So I assume there are already a proportion of Slashdot readers here but for those of you who aren’t a new cross platform, Open Source FPS has shown up on Slashdot in the past few days called bloodfrontier.

Linky link link: http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/bloodfrontier/index.php?title=Home

And on passing I also reminisced about this game, http://www.freecol.org/ – well it was one of the top 20 Sourceforge apps this month, any one interested in a night of colonisation, well freecol?

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Time to Mumble

What it is:
An GPL Open Source, free as in speech and free as in beer, application which supports high quality VOIP for gaming. It works cross plat form (Linux and Windows being the platforms of interest here) and allows us to utilise our own server to host the channel. After it is configured correctly, it will be able to automatically detect when you are speaking and transmit this across the channel, no holding down of buttons required. This provides us with a great alternative to Skype for games like Padman.

Grab the installation files here:
Windows: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mumble/Mumble-1.1.6.exe
Linux: Install via your favourite repository or grab the source and compile http://mumble.sourceforge.net/Main_Page

To connect to the IPX Murmur server use the address: server.ipx.evolvingsoftware.com

HarassmentPanda's picture

Nothing to do with anything related here.

Just a random find below. Commence commentating:

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IPX Server Downtime

There is some essential electricity work going on which means the IPX Server needs to be off-line for a while – you may have already noticed this week ;-)

It all started when the hot water system packed it in, then to get a new hot water system we need to upgrade the electricity box because apparently some new building code has come in to effect which states the distance from the edge of the building and hight from the ground. So the meter box needed to be moved; in addition apparently we needed another phase of power and the existing line would not support it, so that too needs to be replaced. All in all 8K worth of upgrading electricity infrastructure (might as well rewire the whole house) for a lousy $800 hot water system that crapped out.

Ahh building regulations, got to love them and not care about them at the same time.

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'Warcraft' Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing 'Warcraft'

‘Warcraft’ Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing ‘Warcraft’

News relating to the title, click for the full video preview.

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FALLOUT-3 - Bonus-Pre-order-Pack - JB Hi Fi Online

No sure is you have seen this but it looks like a good pre-order deal, the game, a mini game guide, some action figures, a key ring and the sound track.


~ HarassmentPanda

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The Server has Arived

Good news, the wonderful new and shiny Team IPX Server has arrived at the IPX Server Co-Location Hosting Facility. The ISCLHF is state of the art, mounted a-top of a mountain range and out of the reach of flooding sporting scenic views. It sports icy temperature controlled drafts (during winter) and an interruptible power supply originally installed in the 70’s, which can only be described as classic. Other hosting features include 24*7 service desk which is guaranteed not to be manned; no spam filtering, no shopping carts and defiantly no redundancy and alerting systems.

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Mysterious Cities of Gold - on DVD in Australia, Officially

It’s here now: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/MCOG_giveaway.zml – $89.83

Now if some one can just get Robo Story on DVD I would be set http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robo_Story


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You may already have head of this / watched this & if so, why haven’t you posted about it before?

For those of you who are unaware, zero-punctuation is a game reviewer from The Escapist, a gaming magazine. He is a self righteous, egotistical game reviewer who apparently doesn’t care about others opinions when it comes to his reviews, perhaps this is why I love them so much. I’ve always seen the hint of comedy in game reviews but never really seen it pulled off until watching this. Think game review in Atomic (the ‘hint’ of comedy) + Red Dwarf & then a large mention of personal body parts with a focus on appendages. I’ve found his reviews humorous, thought provoking and worth watching.



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Sesonal Captains

To help streamline our approach and shoot for consistency we will be voting on permanent Captains, for the rest of Season 2. The role of Captain will be purely for decisions on team structure (who plays and plays what) and the actual in game activity, so the rest of the team will still help with organising matches, strategies, posting etc. Ideally we would like 3 captains to share the in game load and as such are opening the floor for self nominations, until Wednesday.

If we have more than 3, I will set up a poll on Thursday for voting by the active playing members.


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