
Kazozza's picture

Screw Steam

So, Steam Xmas sale… I purchased the Sonic Hits Collection Holiday 2012 as a gift pack. It is sitting in my inventory. Since Steam will not allow me to install half of the games in the collection (and I can’t re-gift them separately to friends), I’m putting it up for sale – $29.99 (what I paid). It’s great value, but only if you can actually use all the games in the pack… Anywho, if you’re interested in buying it, send me a pm.

If you’re a Sonic fan (you know you are!) you’ll like the games in the bundle. Here’s the list (

That’s the last bundle I ever buy from them. Back to friendly, harmless pirating, yaaarrrr!

Oh yeah, I hear Valve are based on Norway…. You know what to do.

Kazozza's picture

NHL is back on!

It’s finally over! The damn lockout is no more! Woo!

Well, tentatively anyway….

n0mad's picture

Happy New Year

Wishing all TeamIPX a pr0sper0us and fun gaming year to all…….


Fuzz's picture

Chivalry: Medievel Warfare Review

For anyone that hasn’t tried Chivalry yet, or isn’t convinced here’s a good review of it.

Our very own Harrassment Panda even features in the review… comment below if you see him.

Fuzz's picture

Merry Christmas Team IPX

morning all,

Merry Christmas. Hope u all have a great day. enjoy your time with family and friends.


Hashy's picture

Irony of 2012 - Hashy's Perspective


So this year was the Year of the Water Dragon. I am an Earth Dragon. Earth + Water = Mud = BOGGY SH!T… Hence I got not much done.. That’s my excuse and I’m “sticking” too it!!!

Also, everybody on Skype thought I was black for a year until they saw a picture of me, and the Christians thought I was a Muslim for some reason I again cannot fathom…..

Final words of wisdom for the the of the Dragon year:

“Smack a sleeping Dragon on the nose, do not complain when it burns you with its breath once it awakes.” Ancient Chinese Proverb

Okay I just made that up….. Ask me to explain it another time!

Hashy's picture

Still Alive?

Are we still alive….?

I can’t ever tell the difference… But the flea trap works rather nicely… watching those blood sucking parasites drown is satisfying.. AND IM A FRIGGING NATURE LOVING PSEUDO HIPPIE!!!!

chipper's picture

Ravaged December DLC etc

anyone on steam with this game would have noticed this months update. So here are the details from

“We released an update today which fixes an issue players were having seeing servers in the server browser. We also fixed an issue which was causing the purchased game to appear as a DEMO for some players.

As a “thank you” for your patience we decided to include some DLC content that was not scheduled for release until next week, so enjoy an early present! You will also notice changes to the squad interface and that squad voice over IP (VoIP) has been implemented. Communicate quickly with your squad to attack objectives and the enemies by pressing “B.” Here is a quick overview on the new content that we added to this update:

– New weapons
– New unlock system
– New squad interface
– Voice Over IP (VOIP)
– Fix for the Server browser
– Fix for when a purchased Ravaged copy was showing up as a DEMO

Robag's picture Game Sale

Check it out guys
Free Duke Nukem 3D Kicks Off Sale.
source link

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition for PC

Gog 2012 DRM-Free Holiday Sale

get on it


n0mad's picture

12/12/12 - 12:12:12 - Where was U ?

Yep it’s an0ther magic date and time in a few minutes…

S0 my questi0n is – Where were U 0n the 121212121212?


0hh and my answer

I was: sitting at w0rk thinking maybe the Mayan’s knew s0methink we d0nt ?

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