
n0mad's picture

Seasick Steve

As music gets Aut0 tuned and hit s0ngs bec0me 0ne liners it’s the real musician U never hear 0f, the guys wh0 can play and I mean play with0ut the band and just sh0w that music can be fun can be enj0yed when stripped d0wn…

Seasick Steve is s0me0ne I w0uld pay t0 see live in a PUB


3 Strings is all he needs

Kazozza's picture

Battlefield 1942

Origin are celebrating 10 years of BF1942 – get it free on Origin’s website.

That is all.

“I heartily endorse this event or product.”

Fuzz's picture

NBA 2K13

Most of you know I’m a big NBA fan… check my steam activity, or previous blog posts re LeQuit. Each year I’ve bought NBA 2K solely for one on one multiplayer. Most years I’ve been disappointed by their inability to get the online part right. Last year they got it much closer to right. But they have so far never got more than 2 players multiplayer right.

UNTIL NOW! This year they have a Quick Team Up option where a minimum of 4 players can play a game where you are randomly assigned a SINGLE player to control from a game that’s going on IRL that day. Shad and I have had a few games and it really works well. You get ratings for how well you play, losing points for being a ball hog, falling over randomly (a guy in one of our games did this… 40+ times lol. Despite being the highest scorer in the game he still got an F. (More after the break)

Robag's picture

Robag in Melbourne

Morning all

I am in VIC at the moment text me if you need me

see you soon Mr and Mrs N0mad :D


Sha8doW's picture

ETQW Event Winners - congrats

Congrats to: (in no specific order)
Ed209; and

Linux & Timbo, please contact me ASAP a PM onsite is fine to sort a prize out for you. The linux/NZ dealie has me stumped!

Beavis can you please add me on steam

Congrats again fellas, and thanks for your support!

Kazozza's picture

An old game

You got the corkscrew! How that makes fireballs move up and down, I’ll never know!

ltmon's picture

A new game

Finally, something I might bother installing Windows for.

It even has online co-op multiplayer for up to 10 players — who’s with me IPX!

On second thoughts, I might just mow the lawn instead. It’s pretty much the same experience as far as I can tell.

chipper's picture

Ravaged Patch 1.1

Ravaged Patch 1.1 has been released


1. Added Liberty level to demo client (demo now has 2 levels: “CTR” Canyon and “Thrust” Liberty.)
2. Extended spawn camp protection in main bases.
• In your main base you get 15 seconds of invincible mode” even when firing, but deactivates when you leave the base.
• No protection when main base is final target for opposing team in thrust game mode.
3. Balanced vehicle weapon ranges.
4. Weapon balance tweaks for: harpoon, crossbow, rocket truck artillery.
5. Adjusted minimum votes for kicking.
6. “Quick Match” feature added for joining best server.
7. Moved “Spectate” button to avoid accidental presses.
8. Fixed highlighting of selected weapon in spawn menu.
9. Finalized Dedicated Server Build: going live today for everyone via Steam!
10. Added filter options in server browser (official servers / hide demo servers.)
11. Server Browser improvements.

Sha8doW's picture

Aston Martin 2004 - 2012

Farewell my darling girl. The ultimate sacrifice you paid to protect the backyard from that snake will ensure that you are never forgotten. It cant hurt them or you now, you did your job heroically.
Rest well… You will be forever missed by your two loving boys.

n0mad's picture

Painkiller Hell & Damnation

I g0 0n ab0ut Painkiller but it’s an awsum single player sh00ter with sum really great AI t0 train ya twitching but B warned this is n0t f0r the faint heart’ed this shit g0es 0ff and with a big METAL bang……

The new game features Multiplayer but If U have never player Painkiller get it, get any 0f them, get em all, they are all great

Painkiller Complete Pack

HALLOWEEN SALE! : $7.49 – 1 Day 0nly
Flashing Text ab0ve n0t flashing as Fuzz said “NO” many m00ns ag0

all and each 0f em 10/10

And yes the music is always Metal

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