Robag_Jr's picture

ooooh fathers steam account got hacked and sent a message

then i opened it and then it and it sent the hack “link” to every one

Fuzz's picture

Svalbard 2014

Hope everyone had a happy new year. For anyone interested, here’s a video compilation of the recent IPX* trip to Svalbard (don’t forget to hit the HD and full screen buttons, its worth it):

Svalbard – The High Arctic from Peter Cox on Vimeo.

Link in case embed doesn’t work:

If you look closely, you can see Shad and I in the boat (I’m the asian guy, Shad’s the asian girl).

*- IPX = For the purposes of this story, IPX = Peter Cox and his associates. Credit where credits due, this lucky bastard got to travel through Svalbard and get some amazing footage from an area I’ve only ever read about or seen pictures of. Check it out.

Robag's picture

Happy New Year TEAM - IPX

Another Year D0ne everyone



Somtin's picture

Another rap, for PAYDAY2!

This guy has some awesome stuff, robag this one is for you!

Robag's picture

IPX Secret Santa Are you In

Yes $10 Max Spend
71% (5 votes)
No Bar HumBug
0% (0 votes)
I want candy
29% (2 votes)
Total votes: 7
chipper's picture

Fistful of Frags Fun Night: Friday 5 December (Update Now Saturday)

It has been a while since we had a fun night… so how about dusting of the chaps, polishing ya spurs, putting on your best poncho and loading up the six shooters for some spaghetti western action?

Start time: 8:30pm AEDT
Date: Saturday 6 December

Robag has kindly offered to rig up a TeamIPX server for the event, details to be posted, (thanks Ro!)

The developers have been busy releasing many updates so make sure you download the latest and are good to go.

Game info available at:
TeamIPX game page:
Steam Page:

Hope to catch you all in Mumble.

Robag's picture

Humble Jumbo Bundle 3

get on it

Fee-fi-fo-JUM! We smell the games of a Jumbo Bundle. Pay a lot, or pay a little. We’ll give these titles to you to play. That’s right! Pay what you want for the following GIANT titles: Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure, Always Sometimes Monsters, and Insurgency (plus extra sharable copies that can get you a free copy of Full Mojo Rampage as a reward for sharing the game — read on to find out more!). Beat the average price to also receive Euro Truck Simulator 2, Blackguards, Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy, KickBeat Steam Edition, GRID, and GRID 2. Pay $12 or more, and you get all of that plus Saints Row IV.

Robag_Jr's picture

quite compact and completly silent
Gigabyte Brix GB-BXBT-2807 Fanless Mini PC
barebone kit
so memory and ram are needed but amazingly it runs win 8.1

Robag_Jr's picture

ok if i ever change keyboard i think this might just be the one
insanely cool it has over 16.8 million different color patterns in case you get bored and want to have a seizure

Robag_Jr's picture

OKAY i think someone went abit overboard on this

a bit excessive on the storage but what the hell what ever floats your boat ….

in this case it is a pretty big boat

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