Robag's picture

Torchlight & Torchlight II Linux Coming to Steam?

There are new Linux entries for Torchlight II in the Steam database, according to the unofficial Steam Database website, noting there are also now Linux references in the Torchlight entry as well. The penguin-loving gamers at GamingOnLinux note that a Linux version of the original Torchlight was released as part of Humble Indie Bundle 6, but never appeared on Steam, though these indications suggest both installments in Runic’s action/RPG series are now headed there. Thanks Ant.

one for Slacker., ltmon and n0mad


Robag's picture

Happy Bithday Shad

Ha Shad is the birthday boy that means Mrs Shad has to do anything Shad wants,
its nice to dream hay Shad


linuxslacker's picture

Mount + Blade Warband Free weekend and darksiders coming out for linux soon

mount and blade is kinda cool singleplayers a sandbox with combat kinda like what i imagine chivilary is. multiplayer had a lag issue(known bug not sure if new version fixed it) on linux and is just the battles(no trying to be king/queen). the graphics look like they belong in the late 90’s but its still worth checking out during the free weekend

also darksiders now confirmed to have been worked on( its done by the same guy who ported painkiller HD and Deadfall adventures(both good ports and awesome SP games with unfortunately dead MP). darksiders 2 isnt being worked on yet but its hinted it might be started soon(

from what i hear darksiders should be really awesome cant wait!!!

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Fuzz

Boom baby one more year on the clock

rock on and have a great day


Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Willow

one more year on the clock
happy birthday Will


Fuzz's picture

Steam Sales: Chivalry 80% off!

Good deal on Chivalry and it’s addons today. $6.99 will get you the original Chivalry, and Deadliest Warrior.

Just deadliest Warrior is about $2.

For anyone that doesn’t have either yet…. It’s well worth it.

And now…. lets play some Chivalry again!

linuxslacker's picture

XCOM: Enemy Unknown now out for linux

dont know much about the port its still downloading. been evidence in steamdb for a while and now its out just in time for steam sales. Civ 5 will have to be lonely for atleast a few days now. will update later about the port quality once i have actually had a go of it!

whats next this week? CS:GO? Stanley parable? nothing?!

n0mad's picture

GOG Summer Sale 0n n0w

An0ther sale and sum with steam keys and remember t0 check0ut the b0nus content f0r each game…….


linuxslacker's picture

civilization 5 now out for linux


done by aspyr media its a fully native port(as far as i can tell) runs well although it did not exit cleanly but that could have been because i played it for 10 hours straight :)

just finished a 10 hour session finished with a scientific victory then decided to play on and go for the rest :) the civilization series is one of the best games ever made so happy that its out for linux and its a decent port

also dont think i mentioned this but the witcher 2 was released a while ago but turned out to be a eON(closed source broken emulation layer like wine except way worse) was broken for me at launch but found a workaround( performance is playable but poor. was looking forward to it but after buying it i was quite disappointed lucky i only wasted 4 bucks on it.

Robag's picture

Dead Island 2 Announced

Deep Silver announces Dead Island 2, a sequel to Techland’s zombie adventure in the works at Yager (Yager) which moves the setting of the series to California (which is not an island last we checked, though we do recall seeing some zombies). The Unreal Engine 4 game is planned for release in spring of 2015 for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The Dead Island 2 website is online, offering a cinematic announce trailer from E3 that takes all the emotion of the original Dead Island trailer and trades it for comedy. Here’s the announcement:

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