Team IPX Monthly Newsletter 35

Greetings and Welcome to the IPX NewZ for the month of March 2012
This edition is dedicated to the TEAMIPX Fire hose SFF Loganator
Each edition will be a wrap up of the previous month “just in case you missed something”

IPX Outstanding Issues

The following Issues need your attention, show your IPX colours and help get them done


IPX Funny of the Month

The IPX funny of the month goes to Don good lord he is two Newsletters running
for Mrs Brown
Now onto the IPX NewZ

Exclusive game testing site!

Thanks to a friend, I have finally gotten back on a site which does hard core game testing. This is an exclusive, bare bone game testing site. It also has a clear cut NDA, with instant bans and possible legal action if I even mention any thing Im doing for them. So, on that note… if you are interesting in testing games (you dont get to pick, its just what ever they have going at the time), then please let me know. I can say that they get a lot of FPS game titles from EA and other big companies with other game styles thrown in from time to time. So if you are willing to put in some hours for bug finding (and some fun on the side), let me know. Please be sure you are willing to keep to the code and NDA, as entry into this will be on my head if you are approved through me. People braking any regulation not only gets you banned, but those you invited AND the one who got you the invite!

Team IPX LoL Team

we are moving up in the rank, we now place 31st out of 169 in a short week.


Ok, so Im visiting my son for his birthday in early Nov. Then the girlfriend wanted to visit friends in QLD before we flip on home to WA. I would love it so much if we could arrange a huge IPX team meat up in QLD in Nov, so while she gets a girls weekend, I would love a guys(and IPX girls) night. IPX party anyone? First will need a place for it to happen… then of course, everyone of you great little bastards to come see me and the rest of the crew. Would mean a lot to me as I dont make it east all that often. Anyone up for it?

Team IPX LoL Team

Could all the players put down a day for when we can all get together and prac, work on our CS, Map control, focus and all that.

Just put your day and time that best fits you below, cheers. glhf

BF3 Metro - Conquest

Playing this afternoon after patch, you can now cap B when in lockers by side stairs EOM

Ending times for daylight savings Aus/NZed

Morning guys.

On April 1st Daylight savings is due to end. this means the times for challenges changes and instead of Eg. 7pm QLD/8pmNSW/10pm NZed, it goes back to 8pm Aus/10pm NZed.
Just something to keep in mind for when doing up challenges/posts.

Please remember!

All posters are reminded to:
– write their blogs with a beginning, middle and end! Especially if the posts are lengthily!
– When structuring people should try and begin with a teaser and use the “split” function – if you dont someone else will and you may not be happy with where the split is placed
– Also people should also be conscious of keeping images and videos placed in their posts to a size which is appropriate for all viewers. Just cause youve got a 30inch screen doesn’t mean everyone else does. A standard 6-4inch photo is MORE then big enough in most cases, your all mature people – apply intellectual thought and sound judgement!

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance

Tripsicle98's picture

Who wants to climb the sky tower ..

Hey guys

So yeah on may the 19th im going to be climbing New Zealands tallest building , The Sky tower wearing full level twos and BA .

Thats all my gear for all you Noobs .

Im going to try and get on TV by doing the wandering tourist and im also going to have an IPX logo on my helmet (Im sure there’s svalbards for that … )

This event isn’t for laughs because you would have too be insane to do that .Its for the Leukaemia and Blood foundation on NZ .
So far they have raised over 30k and the comps not till May

So if you want to donate my page is at

Thanks guys

n0mad's picture

Legend of Grimrock - time t0 supp0rt sum indie Dunge0n Crawling at it's finest

Legend of Grimrock website

As many 0f U kn0w I enj0y a g00d RPG mainly due t0 an 0ld game called Eye of the Beholder that intr0duced sum dunge0n crawling but with interesting puzzles, traps and hidden levers everywhere that had y0u guessing and thinking at every turn.

Well the small team at Almost Human have put sum hart and s0le int0 LoG and it n0w has a release date and sum savings t0 th0se wh0 pre0rder……..

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