Microman's picture

Swine Flu?

Hey Everyone,

We have all heard the news, Australia and New Zealand have both got rising numbers of swine flu cases. As it increasing, so does the new coverage.

There was ‘the quiet period’ where the term “swine flu” wasn’t used during a one week period. This was the point where the virus had lost its hype in Mexico, and other countries cases were very limited. Now however, much of the news is taken up by swine flu.

Not everyone here watches the new I understand. I’m sure everyone has their own way of finding ou what’s happening in the world. If you have just come out of a hole, the world is on the brink of a pandemic. The new disease, the “swine flu”, is a strain of influenza (Swine A/H1N1). It has very similar symptoms to influenza A, but is LESS potent. The reason the world is in panic is due to the fact that this disease is MUCH more virulent than the regular flu, this means it spreads much easier.

n0mad's picture

t0p 5 Websites I visit

f0und this site t0day and th0ught we all have out t0p 5 sites
time t0 share them……

0h and p0rn sites d0n’t c0unt…….
/me l00ks at Shad

I’ll Start

n0mad’s Top 5
1) – Team IPX
2) – Linux Distrowatch
3) – Tech Fresh
4) – BOM
5) – BreaK

I have many m0re but I have limited it t0 5 Sites………………………..

Whats yours ?

June long weekend reveiw

hey all,
as you may know i recently went for an 8 hour drive up to newcastle for a basketball tournament.
i had a great time cos we won a match against the favorites (YAY)
amazingly i had no injuries but one of my teammates did. He broke his right wrist into and kind of “S” shape, which wasn’t a pretty sight :( he was hospitalized (yes, i know some big-ish and complicated words) for 3 days and went into surgery twice to get plates, and guess what? he has experience in getting plates in his arms because last year,at the same tournament, he broke both his arms and had plates in them

well, other than that it was a great long weekend :D

IPX vs WD - GA Season 5 - Match 4 -- 3 Stars

14% (1 vote)
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Total votes: 7
Hashy's picture

Sorry All, Bye.

Im sorry everybody. I am lately extremely mentally unstable, and trying to fit back in around here just wont cut it. I do my best to turn everybody against me, to sabotage myself and just fuck up any chance i have in life. You all will hate me now, and its really sad, but its what I deserve.

I will not come back around here anymore, I wish you all the best of luck in whatever it is with the direction that the team takes.

Good luck n0mad with the family.

Bye everybody else, sorry about everything. Enjoy your lives.

Delete my account, all my blogs and shit please, and go ahead and say the horrible shit about me behind my back, its the least I deserve. Just speak the truth.

Fuck this.

ltmon's picture

Out and about

This is where I’m off to tomorrow… Beijing to St Petersberg by train over the next 3 and a half weeks. I doubt there’ll be much in the way of internet connections for most of the journey, but I’ll drop in and say “hi” if I find one in a crazy random place. So glhf for the next month, and I’ll see you all when I get back.

To make life just a bit more stressful Patch, my dalmatian, broke his foot badly yesterday. It was a bit of a shock to get a call from the neighbours that he was in a great deal of pain in the backyard, and the have to rush home from work to carry him into the car and then to the vet. He’s in surgery at the moment getting a metal plate inserted. The vet says this will bring him back to full strength within a few weeks so fingers crossed. Poor Patch :(

IPX vs HV - GA Season 5 Match 3 Stars

38% (3 votes)
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13% (1 vote)
25% (2 votes)
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0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 8

Pre-Match Briefing

Robag can we pls have IPX Pro-ETQW server up asap?
Pre Match briefing if everyone chosen for team and to sub can pls muster up get into IPX server asap, I would like to run over strats again.
For this session pls NO SHOOTING, DRIVING VEHICLES, DROPPING NADES, and other noise making distracting type stuff.
Prac I found it hard to get across what I wanted to do so hoping this briefing will achieve that.
After the briefing you are free to go do what you need to pre match like get wine (Robag) get bourbon (Rayne) relax, whatever until match time.

Cya in there



After a month of having L4D I could not get all four with the tank, last night I finally achieved it. How? you ask?

Started hitting the dumpster bins toward survivors hit Zoey she goes to red so I went straight for her, 1 hit incap, Francis came to revive her, 2 hits incap. Waited around the corner from Francis to get Bill as he came to try and rev Francis and Zoey. Hit Bill he stumbled and ran round the corner away from Francis and Zoey towards Louis. I chase them round the corner and heaven forbid there is a car there, Rayne hits the car which falls on Louis incap, Bill is round the corner dealing with a horde and is trapped by them Rayne hits Bill twice Bill is incapped Rayne finally gets her achievement WOOOHOOOOOO.

Only 3 more left 14 silver, 15 gold (Survivor )and 3 expert (Campaign)

I am the ruling Warrior Zombie killing Princess of L4D muahhahahahahahahahahahaha


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