n0mad's picture

Total Solar Eclipse 22/07/09

Source ShadowandSubstance

Millions of people in India, China, and other parts of Asia will witness a total solar eclipse on July 22, 2009. Cities such as Surat, in India,
as well as Chengdu, Shanghai, and Wuhan, in China, will experience the eclipse’s totality.

Source TimeandDate

Looks like we only get a high M00n………..

Checkout Stellarium

Sha8doW's picture

Shads TeamIPX Traveling iPodTouch

Ladies and gents
I’m back! Kinda…
The good news is my wife tells me that DELL has replaced my video card so that’s good news, but due to travel for work and due to a death in the family which requires more travel I won’t be around till later in the week.
Good news is, you can’t keep shad down for long. My lovely family was wonderful enough to purchase me a 32gig iPod touch which can enable me to, through the power of WiFi, be in contact more often which has become a problem for me of late. Access to the site, irc, web & team gmail. Will hopefully make you fell ally less lonely!
I’ve just got to get used to this freaking touchscreen keypad, and crack into peoples wifi (thank god for free wifi at maccas)
-welcome back hashy
-nestern all the best with your family. We are here if you need some support
-happy bday panda to the 19th
-matt I see fuzz fixed up your svalbards. (hope your feeling better too)
-grats on the girl bub nomad

New clan

there is this new clan that a few people know about called PpA. They are trying to get more members (I have been giving them a few names) so they can get into the GA ladder. i was talking to president_kippa 123 and he saiz he would love to play us. so when they get enough players i was thinking about talking to thier leader and setting up a match.

BTW i dont know what PpA stands 4 :-)

Robag's picture

IPX vs HV - GA Season 5 Match 8 - 3 Stars

17% (1 vote)
17% (1 vote)
17% (1 vote)
17% (1 vote)
17% (1 vote)
17% (1 vote)
Total votes: 6


i am so sorry about leaving so early last night. you are all probably wondering where i went so here is the story……………

Last night about 2mins before i said sry i g2g GLHF i received a phone call……the person on the other end didnt sound very happy………..in a sad voice they said something that sounded like this:“Is this *******?” “Yes” “well this is ****** and i am sorry to inform you that sob your grandfather has passed away.”

As you can probably tell i was very sad at that moment so i left ETQW and went to have a cry…………… );

and that is my excuse.

Fuzz's picture

Disputed match from last night...

Received this via email this morning (as would have the rest of the captains). Having not played last night, I obviously can’t help, but I trust those that were playing will provide Pinge with what he requires to resolve this.

This email has been sent by a GameArena Ladders administrator in relation
to the following disputed match:


Hi All.

Sorry that things have not been so easy to decide.
I would appreciate it if I could have 1 of either…rystats chat log or a demo from a captain.
It also needs to be from one of the last players standing if a Captain is not available.

I can then decide who actually left first.
It will have a bearing on the final score.


To respond, please visit the following URL:

—The GameArena Team

Hashy's picture

Hello Boys and Girls, I'm B@@@@ck! =D

The Rainbow Kite has returned. l0l jks. I didn’t get a hippy name XD

I hope that you are all doing well, and have many interesting stories to tell of your own.

I left home prepared for cold, wintery, Lithgow weather. Then was whisked away on a whim, on a long journey with The Rainbow People. We are like, hippies, hehehe. The meaning of the Rainbow is basically, all the different colours, the walks of life, comming together as one. This has been, for so many reasons good and bad, the most incredible journey of my life. I probably used that word incredible more time then we saw dead kangaroo by the side of the roads.

should we have a gambling with svalbards part of the website?

60% (6 votes)
40% (4 votes)
Total votes: 10
n0mad's picture

L4D Maps & Campaigns =DLC=

m0rning All…..

s0 while we wait 4 L4D2 to grace us with it’s presence I th0ught it time t0 advise all 0n the free DLC that is 0ut there…..

L4D Map Database
Great h0st 0f maps under c0nstruction as well as final…….

L4D Mods

As alot of the above are under construction please advise here what Maps/Campaigns you have tried and liked, I’ll start……………


Folding@Home update upDATE UPDATE!

Okay so i’ve been bored recently and have realised I can’t spend ALL my time on the computer so I decided to come up with a dastardly plan to help IPX take over the world.

It’s pretty hush hush, but it includes cats with wings that can talk. Yes my friends, IPX has branched into the folding warfare department.

Now down to business…

While watching Fuzz, Robag and Hashy’s F@H score creep ever higer, I came to a realisation. Something sneaky was going on. How were they getting more points per day than me when I had such a beastly machine… I cried into my teacup, and then realised that running just the one folding at home application isnt that effective.

Hence I came up with this beast!

Discuss :)

(you will probably need to load the full sized image on flickr)

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