Sha8doW's picture

Mancans! (Qantas club)

MANCANSWTF is with that?
weve all seen the ads, I just saw a sign/bill board for it!

I think MOFO has hidden their adenda in custard filled campagine (love that word) that is MANCANS!

ltmon's picture

ETQW for Linux is in beta

Well, it’s exciting for me… I actually might get the chance to have a game with you guys at some stage.

Unfortunately they’ve chosen a closed beta for Linux, rather than an open one. – who knows why. But it seems that if I fork out the cash I’ll be able to pick up a Linux-ised copy sometime in October or November.

Fuzz's picture

Look who's in Sydney Harbour...

So I’m on my lunchtime walk and as I turn the corner to the best part of the walk I am floored by what I see…

What the hell, they’re invading Australia now! I’ve lived through this once in Svalbard (that will be rectified soon), I will not let it happen again.

It’s time to kick ass and chew bubble gum… and I’m all outta gum.

Kazashi's picture

Conspiracy? Or.... CONSPIRACY!

I had my first experience with the new file format from Microsoft’s latest Office series. Surprise surprise, it doesn’t work in anything else. Since I detest Office 2007 for its form and price tag, I went looking for a converter. sprang up as an online option, claiming to be fast and easy. After a few seconds you’ll notice that there’s a price attached – literally there is a US$5 fee for the conversion. Even more than that, check who is behind this software.

Go on, check….

Sha8doW's picture

Howdy from the Qantas Club!

Howdy fellas
im sitting in the qantas club, wasting some time!
thought id say Hi yall
hope youse can keep it up without me!

i wont do it… but i had a thought about our marketing campagine!

i walk round and log every computer onto
then run away!

cya’ll soon

PS, here at the qantas club the transperancy on the eagle on the corner doesnt work!
its the straight white square with the eagle!

ltmon's picture

A "Suspected Norwegian"?

From The Age today:

The basic requirement of the stealthy night-time burglar is the ability to stay awake. A suspected Norwegian burglar failed the test and has ended up in jail.

I guess we suspect that he is Norwegian because of his lack of competence?

Fuzz's picture

Double pounder - Oh no...,23599,22226831-2,00.html

Oh No! no no no no….

Shad I know what you’re thinking and NO! We will die if we eat this burger. A pounder was enough…

Fuzz's picture

Are we still alive?

We have migrated from ServersAustralia to xHost… are we still alive? Too early to tell.

Edit: Looks like we are!

IPX News Edition 5 - Welcome New Honorary Member: Deviance

Greetings and welcome to the 5th Edition of IPX news.

Team IPX is proud to welcome Deviance to an Honorary Member trial. We have been nothing but impressed with both his form and conduct in ET. He is a top medic and has already shown his skills in game with the team.

Welcome Deviance.

Remember Team IPX are recruiting and are looking for more quality team players. If you are interested in becoming an honorary members see here.

Kazozza's picture



it’s been a while, but I’ve finally managed to get more than 5 minutes time on the net!
I’m currently in Townsville for a wedding, but I’ve managed to have a quick look at the new site and I gotta say – I’m impressed! Even though it’s still a work in progress, it’s coming along really well. You should all be proud of yourselves!
I’ll hopefully be able to get back into the swing of things after the Europe trip next month. Get a new laptop, move into the new place, get connected and GAME ON!

Keep up the great work.

Kazozza – IPX

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