n0mad's picture


Beta is here, Multiplayer FUN..

Established in 2009, 2 Dawn Games is a team of AAA game and indie developers dead set on bringing the fun back to games. Our team is made up of passionate gamers who have worked on games such as Desert Combat, DCON, the Battlefield series and more. We want this game to be fun and without the restrictions of a publisher, we can support the community the way we want to.

Ravaged is a online multiplayer-only first person shooter game set upon a post-apocalyptic Earth devastated by natural disasters caused by the sun’s solar flares. Engage in battle with weapons and vehicles in fierce, never-ending combat scenarios that involve skill-based gameplay and team objectives.

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday n0mad

Rock on good buddy, keep on head banging lol :p


ltmon's picture

Video Game High School

Maybe I’ve been living under a rock, and you all know about this… but in case not, check out Freddie Wong’s web series “Video Game High School”.

Freddie Wong has been a YouTube star for a long while now, with live action video-game inspired action scenes each week. You’ve probably seen a few before, even if you didn’t know who the maker was.

VGHS is a feature length series from him and others and (for a web series) it’s really good.

Season 1 playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=ELLdMMObVx91g&feature=plcp

Official site: http://www.rocketjump.com/category/vghs

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all the IPX Dad’s………….
and we trust they all got a special gift from there Wives and Daughters/Sons….

The BoD

HarassmentPanda's picture

Y3030 coming to steam; with your support.

Give us a hand with getting Y3030 to steam; Give us some thumbs up and favourite Y3030.


Yes, I’ve had to rename my Steam Username now too :(

Hashy's picture

WOPIT #4 - Final Date Confirmation


Okay so WOPIT #4 is scheduled to take place in two weeks time. I’ve noticed that Fuzz has marked down as a No for the 14th, but a Yes for the 7th. So if there are no objections, I will change the date to the 7th, which is one week from today, as everybody who has been marked down for attendance has given a Yes for that day.

Also, if you have the time, please fill out the map choice table at the bottom of the WOPIT #4 event post as nobody else except myself has filled it out yet.


Cyas in the arena of awesomeness.

Remember IPX is m0re than a Clan 0f players but a Team 0f Friends

Remember IPX is m0re than a Clan 0f players but a Team 0f Friends


Hey guys,
I just wanted to re-point out this game, a former member of IPX did post something about it (Could have been delta), but i don’t thing anyone had a look at it. Looks like a good game and, It’s Free!

This is another trailer showing the available classes.

Looks like a pretty good game, I’d love to see it happen. Just comment if you’re keen so I can see how many players we’ll have.

Kazashi's picture

Assistance requested: Coding Project

I’ve been pottering around with programming for a while, especially making use of the Qt framework. Qt is a powerful cross-platform toolkit used for developing GUI-based software, command-line tools, consoles, operating systems, and some other stuff.

The program I’m posting about here is a simple (and dreadfully incomplete) model viewer. It started off as a desire to look at the models from one of my favourite games, Anachronox, for which I was unable to find a viewer at all (let alone one that worked on Linux). Based on Quake 2’s MD2 model format, it’s old and relatively straightforward, and probably not of much interest to most people, but the supported formats can be expanded, and I plan to add more in the future.

Why post this? I would like some input that I can’t necessarily manage myself, and am not ready to release it to the world at large. I have no idea if it works on Windows (or OSX), so someone would need to test that. While it should be pretty easy to use, I need to see if it actually is easy to use. I need to know if it requires more necessary features. I need to see if it can be crashed. I need a name for it, too.


28/08/2012 20:30
Challenge Details
Smokin Guns
Challenge Type: 
Competition / Ladder
Not Applicable
Team IPX Attending Yes/No 28th August Comment
Mango Y Y Good luck and have fun!
Akenn23 Y Y -
Chipper Y Y I’ll make it if i can
Robag - - Date change, please check if you’re available
Ltmon Y Y I fixed the date in the calendar for you
Fuzz Y Y Cos you run like a girl, and you sit down to pee
n0mad Y Y sharping my knives and ready t0g0 ninja
Immrbob ahmagerd there is a date change
Fishey - - -
Kazozza - - -
Kazashi - - -
Sha8dow Y Y -
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