Sha8doW's picture

Dirty Bomb

Awwwwe Yeah, Dammmn Boy!
Get ready? I’m ready Splash Damage!

Made for PC FPS Dirty Bomb

Thoughts? I’m excited!

(Shove that up your dodgy arse planetside 2)

PS: Reserve your Player Name!

Hashy's picture

f.lux & RedShift


Firstly, my long absence, again, my apologies.. It ain’t over till its over.. I am going through hell and back ( for reasons I shall not discuss).. However I am fucking tops after being clear of that Zyprexa… My brain actually WORKS again… Thanks Doctors.. Dickheads… Still on that topic, when I saw the doctor last week…. I told him what a NIGHTMARE it was coming off that stuff…. 5 minutes later, hes asking me if I want to go back on it or not…. sigh… drug dealers…..

Now… For those of you who are up a little too late on your computers, exposing yourself too that lovely high Kelvin light… Some help is here!

I am sure some of you already know of these, and maybe use them yourself, but i only just thought of the bloody idea today.. So thought why not give it a go, and it really isn’t that bad so far =)

f.lux is for Windows (also supported by Linux and iOS), and RedShift is specifically for Linux.

Kazozza's picture

Hawken - Moar Mech goodness!

If one online mech game wasn’t enough, here’s another. The trailer for this looks awesome. Get a beta key here:
Act now, before they’re all gone!

Oh, and just for shits and giggles:
While the new design ED-209 looks nifty, I’m not yet sold on Robo….

Ah, Murphy…

Shad told me to

Since shad8dow said i had too, i have NBA2K13.

Happy shad8dow?


Robag's picture

well its that time of year again

  • Robag starts throwing his credit cards at his PC screen

Steam Game sale,

get on it yalll……..


Payday Heist
Start Wars KOTOR
Darksiders II


Sha8doW's picture

National Go Home On Time Day


You can all go home on time…
Tell your boss/teacher/others as neceasary

Sha8doW's picture

Bacon Jam

Some things are described as awesome, some people even falsely tote themselves as being McAwesome…
Well friends let me share with you, something which has no comparison and sure as heck no equal!!

It’s true, I kid you not… Bacon Jam!

Robag's picture

A Good Day to Die Hard - Official Trailer (HD)

Hi is back baby w00t

wrong place wrong country lol


n0mad's picture

Seasick Steve

As music gets Aut0 tuned and hit s0ngs bec0me 0ne liners it’s the real musician U never hear 0f, the guys wh0 can play and I mean play with0ut the band and just sh0w that music can be fun can be enj0yed when stripped d0wn…

Seasick Steve is s0me0ne I w0uld pay t0 see live in a PUB


3 Strings is all he needs

Kazozza's picture

Battlefield 1942

Origin are celebrating 10 years of BF1942 – get it free on Origin’s website.

That is all.

“I heartily endorse this event or product.”

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