Hashy's blog

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Western Star..Umm, Digital, 2TB Hard Drives


Ok so maybe some of us wouldn’t recommend Western Digital. I wouldn’t either, but I guess here is another milestone for the Personal Computer. =p

I would expect other more reputable brands to be flogging their own 2TB drives in the weeks to come. =D

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Hashys 2009+Beyond IPX Projects

Well with the new year already well underway, ive decided to reveal here some of my project ideas involving/relating to Team IPX.

IPX Coins: Coins coins coins.. I like coins, and now, YOU BETTER START TO LIKE EM TOO!! ;P


IPX Case Badges: Yup! That says it all!


Hashys IPX Orbiter Space Flight Simulator Projects –


Padhockey – A Hockey Mod for World of Padman!

That’s really all I can think of right now.
What do you guys think? All questions and comments are very welcome! Any and ALL help with these projects in the near future would be very much appreciated and needed. Ideas, lay em down for us all to mull over! =D

2009 should be an exciting year for Team IPX. Lets get some projects done this year and help continue to expand IPX!

Edit: please comment on the specific issues, not this post.

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Merry Christmas Team IPX!

Merry Christmas Team. I hope you all had an excellent day =) And my lights just all turned off, dads installing a new light fitting so he switched off the lighting circuit, excellent!! =p

Merry Christmas All!! BE GOOD!!


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MKV - Multiple Kill Vehicle


Wheres mine? =p

Autonomous space killing robots..mmm


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Formalhaut b : Extra Solar Planet Photographed!

Photographed by Hubble.




The planet is currently called, Formalhaut b. Formalhaut being the name of the star. Formalhaut “a”, being the parent Star itself ofcourse. The cloudy dusty “ring” is aggregates of gas and dust. The inner rings edge is sharpened/defined with the help of Formalhaut b.

The planet is about 3 Jupiter masses. This does not mean the same “diameter”. For example, it could be 3 times as “massive” then our Jupiter, but only Twice the diameter, indicating higher density.
The star is about 25 Lightyears from us.

“The planet is 10.7 billion miles from the star, or about 10 times the distance of the planet Saturn from our sun”

It may possibly have a disk/ring system, like our Saturn, because the planet is brighter then it “should” be.

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Bid For Power: Quake 3 Mod/TC

Heyas.. Just thought to post this.. Update released today (24SEP). It’s a DragonballZ mod/tc.

Put it on the “free games” list ehh =p



Spent more time following the development back in the day with this, then actually playing it when it was FINALLY released. But I’m downloading it now, see how it goes. =p

Give it a try!


Peace. =)




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Rigs of Rods - Yearly Crash

Left hand drive rules ;)

rigs crash

RoR still very much in development, give it a chance..It’s a lot of fun, difficult to drive tho. =p


Downloads.. http://repository.rigsofrods.com/

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"Almost" Perfect 3D Engine..

Size and freedom sum it up pretty nicely =P

We’ve built First Person Shooter (FPS) engines from the rooms outs.. From mazes with much the same way in as the same way out as the previous “area”, at the end of the map.
Now we play much the same still. Except, taking Quake Wars (ETQW) for example, were playing in more of an “outdoor” maze.. Morrowind was of awe, not just because of its size and scale, but also because of the “ALMOST” seemingly alive world of moons and stars and clouds and storms helped make it pretty well too.. But for the most part, Morrowind was a big “disc” on the outside.. Mazey and indoors like, on the inside.
Oblivion Was much the same, actually more like a blob that looks like Australia, and on the boundarys of invisible walls (OUCH!) a “seemingly” endless vista of more.. Trees and stuff.

I like Orbiter, because it is a planet! A ball! You can just go around and around, or up and away.

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Decode this...

Just a quick bit of fun.. Maybe somebody wants to try some own.. ;)



Enjoy ;P


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Free Alternatives to Fraps?

Free Alternatives to Fraps for Windows? Anybody? If theres a simple way to make ETQW demo recordings into video/movie/media files that would be nice too, but would still looove something that can replace what that program does, that is freeee? =D
Desktop, Games, everything on screen ect ect.
Things like games, you want sound tooo… =\
Sound for “everything” going on with the computer at the time might be more tricky hmm..?

I bet.. I bet you damn linux users have no problem with any of this, don’t ya.. ;P

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