Hashy's blog

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Walking Catfish..


Evolution in the works? Those damn catfish..

It is rather common in “my” industry that species that have special survival adaptations often have a distinct advantage over the general immediate environment around it, humans ofcourse being a prime example, others would be yes, Catfish surviving in drains, Cained Toads, allelopathic plants, also may seem to be damaging to that environment, from our human perspective anyways.
Nonetheless, it introduces a disruption into the system, causing the other components (biological;plants,animals,fungi,microbes, ect..) to either actively or passively resist changes.
The components will either survive or not. If they don’t try to change/adapt to the ecosystem disruptions, there is too much chance of self extinction.

I just wrote that damnit.

I fracking hate biology.


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Your t0p 10 Favourite PC Games of ALL Time!

Sounds straight forward enough… I’ll begin ehh? =)

To start, in n0 particular order,(as s00n as I can remember..) what and why:


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Fallout 3 BANNED In Australia by OFLC


Anti-social behavior??? Ironically, being said and read while sitting in front of a computer…..

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World In Conflict- Free "Trial"


Free full trial of world in conflict, from 11th July 2008 until 22nd July 2008.

Unmetered download for us n0de customers here :


Anyone else can download from there, metered ofcourse, at n0des usual quick download speeds =)


I know nothing of this game.. Only heard of it before a few times, never took any notice.. I guess this is a good chance to give it a go.. So maybe if we get enough we can have a fun game of this during the open free trial period (11th-22nd July).





World in Conflict section on n0de.. Incase there be some files there that we end up needing once we try to connect to online servers.

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Folding... You know.. Its easy right?

Just takes time…. ;)

Was proudly, and really, IPX ( before the namesake) apart of the precursor, more or less, to this project, which was the old Gnome@home project or somethin ehh? =p

We could map the human Genome, and we did it, with the help of, lots and lots of people with computers just like ours ( weather they knew it or not ;) ), and abit of time, it was done!

Then we needed to do.. I don’t know.. Sorta trails off from there =p


Its for a good cause… Hey, atleast we could say, IPX helps out Stanford Uni “from time to time”.. Thats most of the time for me! =p

I encourage us, and anybody else reading this of course, to partake in this for the greater well being of humanity blah blah yadda…
Give the pages a look around so you know what the jist of it is, and then get downloading and installing and off! =D


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Incase You Didnt Know..

I had enough to say, then I deleted it… Just read it, and figure it out for yourself…


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IPX - Keep Yer Shirt On

O k so no sleep for me means, if I’m bothered to get around to something, i might get half of it done at least..

Hopefully by now you have all seen the work that stitch master n0mad has gotten sown up for us ( magic with that needle n0mad =p ).



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Phoenix on Mars: Strogg?

You decide..


Shadow of camera/scoop arm thingo,


A Strogg Trooper on stilts?

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Dusk - Zombies for ETQW!


Someone suckered me into playing this last night. It was fantastic hahahha. I highly recommend everybody get into this.

Im keen on putting a petition together to ask Games Arena or Internode to host a server for this.

I really do hope it stays in development, and that we keep the support behind it.

Was a welcome change of pace to be chased around by mindless zombies opposed to stroyent hungry strogg troopers =\

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