
Robag's picture

Left 4 Dead DLC Free [Feb 11, 2009, 2:27 pm ET]

Valve clarifies the upcoming downloadable content for Left 4 Dead will be free for owners of both the Windows and the Xbox 360 editions of the co-op shooter:

February 11, 2009 – The recently announced Left 4 Dead Downloadable Content (L4D DLC) will be delivered to Xbox 360 and PC gamers free of charge.

Due for release this spring, the DLC for 2008’s best-selling new game property on the PC and Xbox 360, is dubbed the L4D Survival Pack and introduces a new multiplayer game mode entitled, Survival, plus two complete campaigns for Versus Mode (Death Toll, Dead Air). A Critic’s Choice Edition of the game will be heading to retail stores this spring, and will include access to all the content introduced in the L4D: Survival Pack.

Hashy's picture


This f**king sucks.. The only good I can see come from it, is in the aftermath the bush will thrive like never before, but it still doesn’t bring back the dead from this, absolute bullshit =(

Would all IPX members from Victoria please REPORT IN H E R E so we all know that you guys are alright..

Our hearts go with you, and out to those 65 who have been known to have perished so far, and the thousands of others now left homeless.


Please use the above link to track fires in Victoria – n0mad

Good choice in my honest estimation

Oozaru, by his own words, is a player that like far too many in our community, gave the game up for ghost shortly after the ladder became unappealing to him.

I think that he will fit in well with IPX, and even perhaps contribute to our team in areas other than ETQW.

Overall, a level headed bloke, that i’ve had many a joke with since he came back, and is never too serious when it comes to the game.

Just like many of us, he’s in it for the fun,


my f1


Robag's picture

Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

old school baby

Hammer of Thyrion is a cross-platform port of Raven’s Hexen II source. It is based on an older linux port, Anvil of Thyrion. HoT includes many bug fixes, improved sound and video modes, opengl improvements and documentation among many others.

Hammer of Thyrion: Features

* Support for Hexen II, Hexen II demo, Portal of Praevus mission pack and HexenWorld.
* Cross-platform code: Tested on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X and Windows. Also reported to build and run fine on QNX and Nokia N770, N800 and N810. Other unices should also work. Even DOS is supported for nostalgic purposes. There are seperate ports to MorphOS, PalmOS and GP2X.
* Tested on 32 bit and 64 bit platforms.
* In-game resolution changing for both opengl and software renderers. Instant fullscreen/windowed toggling on X11 (unix).

Robag's picture

Left 4 Dead DLC & SDK Plans [Feb 05, 2009, 1:11 pm ET]

Valve announces the L4D Survival Pack, downloadable content to be released this spring for the PC and Xbox 360 editions of Left 4 Dead. They also announce a “Critic’s Choice Edition” of the game that will be available at retail around that time that will include the new DLC, and also say they will release the SDK for PC owners around that time as well. Here’s word on the plan, which outlines the new game mode called Survival and two new campaigns for Versus mode:

February 5, 2008 – Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress, and Counter-Strike) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced a series of content and development releases for its latest title, 2008’s best-selling new game property for the PC and Xbox 360, Left 4 Dead (L4D).

Hashy's picture

Source of Australian Droughts "Not" Norway

Ok so… Maybe Norway isn’t responsible for this… Maybe.. ;)

So, who can we blame for this one? =p

n0mad's picture

Nominations for IPX Awards 2008 Now Open

It’s that time of the year – award season! – Well maybe a bit late :P

The sec0nd annual IPX Awards are fast approaching. What we need from you guys are nominations. Listed below are some categories, but don’t feel constrained by that. Nominate as many players as you want in as many categories as you like, making up categories as you see fit.

Please send all nominations to using the following template for nominations. We’d like to keep nominations and results private until award day so please email nominations, don’t post them here as comments.
Nominations close Friday 20th February, 7PM AEDST.

This year we are happy to hear from all current IPX Members even if you didn’t play for IPX last year your nominations on Members from last year is important.

Bloodstorm has put his hand up to help me behind the scenes on this 0ne and we aim to make it as funny as possible (Hint Hint)


HarassmentPanda's picture

Another Game?

So I assume there are already a proportion of Slashdot readers here but for those of you who aren’t a new cross platform, Open Source FPS has shown up on Slashdot in the past few days called bloodfrontier.

Linky link link:

And on passing I also reminisced about this game, – well it was one of the top 20 Sourceforge apps this month, any one interested in a night of colonisation, well freecol?

Hashy's picture

Folding@home Team IPX Roundup!

m0rnin fellas,

Just sending out another shout for those of you interested ( and also those not silly enough to believe that it is some kind of spyware or whatever haha) to consider donating your precious “spare” CPU run time to help advance the goals of human genetic research!

Folding @ Home Homepage
Folding Download Page and “some” setup and team joining/creating instructions.

Team IPX Folding Stats page


n0mad's picture

Electric Car hits Australia with sparks

160 kilometres on each charge

It can be recharged in a regular power point in about eight hours
or just 20 minutes in a dedicated higher voltage outlet

Ok so unless n0mad hooks you up with his Electrical Contacts most houses don’t have 3 phase power points
therefore the local sparks would be rubbing there hands together.

Top Speed ? (Any0ne able t0 find this ?)

Note: 2009 stock available to sum ;)

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