
linuxslacker's picture

New House New internet

after a bit of being screwed around by telstra im back up and running on 4G this is what im getting now it comes nowhere near my old connection but it isnt as bad as i thought it would be

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday N0mad

Well i go the right day this time.

Rock on good buddy enjoy the Day

eat lots of cake


Sha8doW's picture

Logitech G930 - Right or Left Balance / Audio Only & Distortion

So a number of us have Logitech G930s
And we all seem to have the same problem… when you install the Drivers, the sound goes crappy with mumble sounding unbalanced. And dont start me on the 7.1
I was looking for a solution because currently, even when i uninstall the driver, the damn thing reinstalls them on the next restart… anyway RANT over… I’ve found a solution which after a heap of googling, i have shamelessly stolen from another site ;P


1) Right-click the speaker in the sys-tray (Lower right, by the clock)
2) Click “Playback devices”
3) Highlight the G930
4) Click “Configure”
5) Click next (for me all I could pick was 7.1)
6) Uncheck “Side pair” & “Rear pair”
7) Click Next
8) Make sure that “Front left and right” is only checked
9) Click next, click finish
10) With the G930 still highlighted, click “Properties”
11) Go to the “Enhancements” tab
12) Make sure “Channel Phantoming” is checked.

linuxslacker's picture

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel coming to linux! borderlands 2 too?

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel( has been confirmed a few times by the developers. only showing win icon on the steam store but i think thats only just to protect them if the 3rd party porting company is a little slower(im guessing this is aspyr’s work( they did borderlands 2 for mac and has just started porting to linux(their first and only atm is civ 5). could be feral too but i doubt it(they did borderlands 1 and gave linux users xcom))

dont know what you guys think about The Pre-Sequel. i loved borderlands 1 and the only thing that sucked about it was the last boss and the fact i played it on the ps3! i skipped borderlands 2 because i didnt want to do the whole controller thing a 2nd time but have seen a few lets plays and looks as awesome and way bigger than the original. the trailers looks like this games going to be awesome too really cant wait for this game

Somtin's picture

Lethal League

Lethal League is a projectile fighting game.

A what?

It’s a up to 4 player fighting game where the idea is to knock everyone else out. To knock someone out, you have to hit them with the ball. You have a baseball bat (or similar) and you have to hit the ball and hit one of the other players with it. Depending on how you hit it and how fast you are moving etc you can make the ball fly very very fast.

Looks very entertaining and hilarious to play! Pretty pricy for such a simple game at $14USD or $40 for a 4 pack though, so idk, maybe it’s worth it depending on interest? I think it could be a hoot anyway!

Robag's picture

GOG Introduces DRM-Free Movie Store

Our goal is to offer you cinema classics as well as some all-time favorite TV series with no DRM whatsoever, for you to download and keep on your hard drive or stream online whenever you feel like it. We talked to most of the big players in the movie industry and we often got a similar answer: “We love your ideas, but we do not want to be the first ones. We will gladly follow, but until somebody else does it first, we do not want to take the risk”. DRM-Free distribution is not a concept their lawyers would accept without hesitation.

Robag's picture

Head Shoot Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha

Epic Games now offers downloads of a playable pre-alpha build of their Unreal Tournament revival for registered users of their forums (thanks BeyondUnreal). They go to great lengths to stress this is a preliminary release fraught with bugs and placeholders, and that it is intended to inspired feedback from those interested in helping shape the multiplayer first-person shooter. The Unreal Tournament website explains:

Robag_Jr's picture

anyone up for some rust ?

just wondering if anyone wants to play a bit of rust

Somtin's picture

Happy Birthday Sanga!

Hope you have a better birthday than this lego bunch. ;)

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