
Fuzz's picture

Battlefield 3 - On the house

Battlefied 3 appears to be FREE for a short time.

Having played and owned it, I highly suggest you DO NOT GET THIS GAME. It represents all that is evil in PC gaming.

If you do not heed my advice, I suspect you will end up in the same situation as me… owning BF3, but owning none of the $30+ expansion packs, and thus be unable to play on any kind of useful server.

Also the game sucks.

You have been warned. In fact I probably shouldn’t have posted this blog….

Deleting in 3…. 2…. 1…

Sha8doW's picture

DIRTY BOMB is Back... Litterally!

Yep, the stupids who changed the name to “extraction” have changed it back!

maybe they realised the name was stupid.. or they just got sick of my rants about “paying for a DB T-Shirt and it better SAY DB not Extraction!”

either way… its a good move! looking forward to a new SD game!

linuxslacker's picture

Planetary annihilation on sale till the 26th may and rust rebooting

Planetary annihilation($30):
sale is on till the 26th of may
they just added the 1st pass of singleplayer its not that great but meh this game isnt really about singleplayer.theres a few IPX guys with copies now too

looks like instead of improving what they have now the rust guys are going to go and redo most of the code and assets. alot of us lost interest in rust in past month or so who knows rebooting might bring the fun back either way i think i definitely got my moneys worth and will visit it again closer to release

also quoting the blog entry:

“Yes there’s no actual benefit to rubbing mud all over your cock and balls. But maybe you want to do that”

WHERE DO I SIGN UP!!! oh right i just opt into the experimental branch i wonder if theres any servers to see the progress

EDIT: branch shows no servers for me looks like it isnt setting up steam integration right atm

n0mad's picture

A small small very small chance y0u c0uld be in the New Star Wars

Questi0n what c0l0ur w0uld the light saber be…….
The chewy bust l00ks wr0ng


Robag's picture

Happy birthday DINORUMP

Well look at this guys, he likes his Rump you now

Happy Birthday letter fella


linuxslacker's picture

New graphics card

normally i buy gigabyte cards but this time i am trying an evga GeForce GTX 780ti SC. had some issues setting it up(user error :/) but should be up and running! should run quite a bit cooler then my old 590 would be really interesting how it compares

ltmon's picture

Fistful of Frags

About 6 IPXers played this one for some western mayhem last night:

Free game, good fun, fair bit of shenanigans. Download and install if you want to be ready for the next one.

Special thanks to Robag for his heroic server creation efforts.

See y’all next time!

chipper's picture

Dead Island Epidemic?

Hello fellow zombie bashers. A couple of Dead Island Epidemic beta gifts showed up in my steam inventory. If anyone is interested let me know.

Looks like it could be a bit of a laugh. Hopefully they ironed out some of the bugs from the dead island games! further info can be found at

also anyone watching this ? must admit after the last release I’m pretty skeptical….

linuxslacker's picture

New unreal tournament and a few good classics in latest humble weekly

looks like theres going to be a new unreal tournament there was a bit of talk of a fanmade revival a few months ago and some rumors that epic decided to do it instead a few weeks ago but now its official

looks like its going to be free with a mod marketplace and code will be available to everyone who has a monthly subscription to the unreal engine it also should be out for all platforms hopefully at once

i was a huge fan of the 1st UT sinking alot of the early 00’s into it. ut2k3/4 was ok but i think ut99 was still the best hopefully its more like the original

lots of classics system shock 2 is one of my favorite games ever

sadly i already own all the linux ones havent had a chance to play most yet though.

Fuzz's picture

Happy Birthday Eldemeer

To the newest Team IPX honoary member, happy birthday!

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