
Robag's picture

Happy birthday Fuzz

One more year on the clock Fuzz have a good one Buddy


Kazozza's picture

Steam game bulk packs

So I see the new Deadpool game is out, as it the new Rise of the Triad.
Anyone keen to go in on a bundle pack for ROTT? Works out to about $11 each…

Flick me an email if you’re keen, I hardly check here these days.

Sha8doW's picture

Funny Find = Game Give Away

LoL – looking back at my recent blog history, it may appear that I am buying friends…


I was off with my young bloke, as he is sick today. He has been watching the ‘NEW’ version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… So feeling nostalgic – I argued with my 6yr old that the NEW turtle van isnt as good as the OLD turtle van…

Google Images gave me THIS piece of GOLD – I spat my drink

WTF hey?

So while you clean up your drink… Drop me a message here and i’ll gift you 1 of 3 copies of that War of the Roses game which I piked up in a 4 pack (Its like a lame Chivalry)

chipper's picture

Chickens smarter than toddlers

breaking news


IT IS easy to dismiss them as bird brains, but chickens may be cleverer than toddlers.

Studies show that chicks can master skills including numeracy and self-control – and even basic structural engineering.

Typically, it takes children until the age of four to accomplish some of these feats.

Christine Nicol, the Bristol University professor of animal welfare who reviewed 20 years of research on the topic, said it was wrong to think of chickens as being stupid. Instead, the birds have ‘many hidden depths’.

Chickens exhibit intelligent behaviour within just a few hours of hatching, Professor Nicol says.

Robag's picture

Steam Game Sharing Planned? [09:27 am ET]

A thread on NeoGAF notes some code in the new Steam beta suggesting Valve is planning to allow Steam users to select games to share with a circle of friends. This is confirmed on Kotaku, where they say Valve has not yet responded to the report (not a shock since their story went up at 3:00 am on the west coast). Here is the code in question:

“SteamUI_JoinDialog_SharedLicense_Title” “Shared game library”
“SteamUI_JoinDialog_SharedLicenseLocked_OwnerText” “Just so you know, your games are currently in use by borrower. Playing now will send borrower a notice that it’s time to quit.”
“SteamUI_JoinDialog_SharedLicenseLocked_BorrowerText” “This shared game is currently unavailable. Please try again later or buy this game for your own library.”

now this could make me like steam……


Robag's picture

Planetary Annihilation

this looks like fun

to Somtin and Slacker for the find

kickstater page

and a video


Somtin's picture

Are there any xbox fans here?

Read this.
Just wow. So much yes in that article.
My favourite part:
“No DRM, no restrictions, no online requirements, and no authentication.”

It’s a long time coming but I’m glad Sony are doing something for the gamer. :)

They are bringing in the pay to play online model that Microsoft currently does, but I don’t think it matters too much.

Also, they are bringing in Indie games to the console… Don’t Starve on PS4 anyone?!

PerfectSanga's picture


I have an 1 extra copy of Awesomenauts! So, whoever doesn’t have the game? Speeeeeak up! haha, I’ll give it to first in best dress (:

Coolbeans – Sanga

PerfectSanga's picture

Steam Issue

As you all know, I did a full reset of my computer. As I was re-downloading everything it was all working fine, (- the sound issue). But when I finally downloaded Steam and went to log into my account it did the usual “Put the emailed code in for a security measure”, but I never received a code. I don’t know if this is because I may have used a different email but as far as I’m concerned I used my normal Hotmail email to set up my steam account. I’ve been looking on “Steam Help” all morning but nothing is coming up that is of any help to this issue. I was just wondering if anyone knew how to change your steam email without having to validate your account etc. I tried logging onto my steam on the website, but it says my password is invalid. It is like someone has jumped onto my steam, changed the email, and screwed with it. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

Thanks – Sanga

n0mad's picture

The Humble Indie Bundle 8

The Humble Indie Bundle 8 c0mplete with Steam Keys
Don’t miss this 0ne as there are sum great games in there, especially Intrusion 2

Pay What ya Want! ($1.00 OK)
DRM Free! (No Net Access Needed – L00king at U EA)
Cross Platform! (That’s Linux L0ve right There)
Helps Charity! (Yep Playing Games helps the p00r)

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