
Hashy's picture

Popular Content Creation?


So I was just thinking, and taking a look at things on the left, about how we create “Popular Content”.

A couple of years ago I think, n0mad made a very successful post in regards to Borderlands. That racked up something like 20,000 page views in a reasonably short amount of time.
I just took note of one of my older lunar eclipse posts has been getting a fair few hits each day lately. Over the course of the life of the blog post, 2 years, its brought up 5,000 page views.
Okay now sure, that’s barely a drop in the bucket floating in the ocean that is the interwebz, but for a small site like ours, potentially 5,000 viewers to our site could only be good advertising for Team IPX. I ain’t talkin about $$$ revenue here, just simply exposure.

So what is it that gets us these pageviews? The way I see it, it simply has to be the keywords we use .That’s how search engines do their trick. n0mad hit the nail on the head SOMEHOW. Linking I suspect plays a part in it as well?


Hey guys,

Just wondering who would like to join me in the 9th DOPIT, seeing as though it’s been about 1 and a half years since DOPIT 8 i think it’s about time to have another. Also wanted to get an idea of how many members have dirt so if you can’t come just leave a comment anyway explaining why. I am also going to need help from a B0D to get things running so fuzz, if you’re keen it would be great. if you do want to come just leave a comment below and we’ll sort out times sometime within the next week. Hope to see you there!

Thanks, Mango

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Sha8doW

Well look at you shad one more year older :p

enjoy your day Shad


Robag's picture

Steam Summer Sale Offer ends 24 July

Oh God there goes my credit card

Steam Summer Sale

Super iD Software pack
Offer ends 24 July
What a deal!! The id Super Pack includes over 20 games from from id Software, including titles from the series of DOOM, HeXen, QUAKE, Wolfenstein, RAGE and more!

THQ Collection
Offer ends 24 July

Star Wars Collection
Offer ends 24 July

Sha8doW's picture


Interesting break down of the main contenders for your hard earned as listed by Dollar (USD) per Frame.

I’ve never seen them broken down this way, it’s obviously designed for finding best value. I think it’s a great resource for people trying to decide which is best for their needs. Obviously those of us who just go for the most powerful won’t care about it but we make up 1% of the market.

The thing I will say is Im not sure what some of our former members used to bandie on about with their 560Ti’s… I can get better FPS with my GTX285 on BF3 on full settings!

Robag's picture

Transformers:Fall of Cybertron

It is looking good, buy the way, i call grimlock, the dinobot

main website link

First Trailer

More in the Media Section



Robag's picture

Happy Bithday N1mad

Here is a quick recap for those, who weren’t here


To all IPX, Mr & Mrs n0mad are happy 2 ann0unce the arrival of baby girl n1mad
b0rn: 07/07/09 at 6:43pm
Weighing in at 7 LBS and 1 1/2 OZ (3210 GMS)

Baby due date is 18/07/09………….

Thanky0u all f0r y0ur kind w0rds bel0w and lets h0pe he 0r she likes Padman
Maybe we can have a Baby IPX t0rny sum time d0wn the track :P
Even th0 I think r0bag may already be d0ing sum c0aching………

Anyway thanX again all……………….


n1mad eat the cake eat the cake :D


Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Fuzz

look at that Fuzz is turning 21 what no he isn’t or 22 maybe, whatever
Happy Bithday Fuzzy. he hates it when he gets called fuzzy lol
I was looking on the internet and i found this

have a great day Fuzz, i hope Mrs Fuzz gives you the day off from the dishes :P


Hashy's picture

Higg's Boson Revealed! Hawking Loses $100


So the final piece to the puzzle seems to have revealed itself.

So like, all I gotta do is figure out how to block out the Higgs field, and then I can fly right? Or would that make me become totally massless, and therefore non existent?

Robag's picture

Happy Bithday Willow

I send you happy birthdays, to you over the ditch Will have a good one


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