
ltmon's picture

Some promising games

This one is little more than a tech-demo right now, but it’s pretty awesome for that.

It’s called Outerra (at least the engine is) and it uses fractal generation to create a world that scales from space flight all the way down to blades of grass.

You can download the tech demo and fly and drive around an Earth-like (and size!) planet.

Closer to completion is the fun looking StarForge. I think of it as a cross between Starship Troopers and Minecraft with modern HD graphix. It also has the ability to play on open worlds that extend all the way from the surface into space, and mining below the ground also.

Free for now, but it’s pretty alpha quality and apparently needs a decently beefy rig until they get the performance quirks sorted.

immrbob's picture

not being here

you guys might already know but me, fishey, binary and coolderaj will be on camp until friday night/saturday.

just letting you guys know

ltmon's picture

Svalbard still awesome: no death allowed

By legislation, you are not allowed to die in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

“The cemetery closed in 1930, accepting no future burials. The population is generally kept young; there’s no elder care housing in the area. And if you fall deathly ill? The local authorities will airlift you to the nearest regional hospital, which is two hours away.”

n0mad's picture

Because We May

Because We May

Sum great disc0unted games f0r Andr0id, Linux, PC and even i0s……….

SALE ENDS 1st 0f June


Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Spuddy

eeewwww weeeeee

enjoy spuddy


LoL Competition 3v3/5v5 Times

Please fill out below

Team IPX Day(s) of the week Time Available Comment
Fishey101 Most days apart from Wednesdays 6:30 till about 9:00 On weekends i can stay up longer
Binary Saturday 6-10pm, Friday 6-9pm Preferably Saturdays.
Immrbob besides wensday im usually on 6pm till 9pm best day is friday for me
Coolderaj Wednesday-Monday (any day but Tuesday) 4:30-8 -
Robag Wednesday and Friday 7-9 -
Akenn23 - - -

New 3v3 LoL team

Hey guys, i’ve been talking to my friends from school (immrbob, coolderaj and Binary) and we have decided that we can continue the LoL team in the 3v3 ladder, with me and Binary captaining it. we just thought we should have 1 game at least that is happing so we have something to do while the BoD is finishing the process which i hear is almost done so yey on that :P

Fuzz's picture

Exactly 5 years ago today

5years and 1 hour ago Team IPX moved from to the website as we know it now running on Drupal.

We all remembered this a few days ago sharing our stories and memories thanks to chips appropriately titled holy fark post. I got not much new to saya out it… But I was thinking bout what’s changed in those years.

5 years ago I hated apple, swore I’d only ever own pcs. Today i have no pc, am writing this on an iPad… Bizarre

5 years ago I didn’t own my own home.

I think my memory was better 5 years ago though… Thats about all I remember about 5 years ago.


Fawlty Towers - Don't mention the war

hahaha, don’t mention ze war , classic TV show

Sha8doW's picture

Clans,, laggy teamspeak and the knife of maximoto

We bid farewell, (which is more then some afforded us) to many today! We thought we were friends… We never extended anything but the desire to provide an environment for equity and fairness: Working as a team towards a community/family, not owned or run by one individual, but thriving on the contributions of everyone! Owned and run by all!
I can commit to everyone that that still remains and will always remain a fundamental backbone of Team IPX and at the core of our values!
The departing of friends is the sad part, which hurts the most… IPX never would have left them!

All the best to our former team mates… In their new clan.

PS fishey, welcome to our rich list!

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