
Tripsicle98's picture

Are we going to put a team on the GA Ladder For BF3

Does anyone know the answer to this , For all i know we might of already or is it a matter of amount of players?



Client R3 + Server R11 is due next Tuesday

Hi all,

We will release an update to the PC version of BF3 on Dec 6th — that is, Tuesday morning around 8AM GMT next week. This coincides with an upgrade of many of our central systems which will be down for some hours starting around that time.

It will be both a client update — approximately 2GB in size — and a server update.

The client/server combination will be incompatible with older clients/servers. All players will be prompted to download the update once it has been released. All RSP companies will begin upgrading their servers at the same time.

The client update is large because it contains most of the content for Back to Karkand. This is not ideal, so we aim to make potential DLC content in the future as optional downloads.

Fixed a problem with spawn timer now showing blue border on startup and lost spawn point

Tripsicle98's picture

One of the Greatest Songs of All time

This Guys is amazing i highly recommend that all you folk watch his videos

I have found a Video About One of Mattatuides Favorite Things in Life

Cheese !

Watch and Enjoy


Tripsicle98's picture

Minecraft Wars

Hi Yall

Not many of you know that this is going on

Over the last 3-4 days the team ipx minecraft server has become a war zone

There Are two teams that are fighting this bloody battle

Team 1
Dethbydan(Aka Microman 171 )

Team 2
CheesyDawg95 (Ex neutral)


This has gone to the next level now as people are becoming traitors and so forth

Just thought id let yall know

Peace Out

Going offline for a while... kind of.

Well, we finally get the keys to our new house on Friday XD. So excited. But with the move of house, also comes the move of internet. So, I will be offline for a weeks some time from Friday onwards. On the upside, my new place is much closer to the exchange so much faster speed. Any way, I will get this server thing sorted out with you guys before I disappear and if all else fails I can always pop on the mumble iPhone app or log into here from the phone too. Oh and yes boys, I can be around for the LoL match Thursday, though I know we havent decided on who is playing just yet.

Kazashi's picture


Some of you might already have heard of it, but I’m going to talk about Desura.

What: Desura is a digital distribution platform, like Steam or whatever abortion EA is working on. It is a smaller market, with a much stronger indie focus, and the company is also responsible for ModDB so it also spotlights modifications and makes them easier to access.
Why: It’s cross-platform, somewhat. It runs in Windows and Linux, maybe OSX in future. That doesn’t mean you can get Windows-only games running on other platforms, but it encourages other markets. It may not carry the latest and greatest feats of eye-candy, but it does have games that will sound familiar to IPXers. Games like Smokin’ Guns, Urban Terror, and PADMAN! There’s a nice mix of single and multiplayer gaming, in FPS, RTS… hell, go browse it yourself.
Where: At the website.
When: Ummm, now….
How: I’m not holding your hand.

Hashy's picture

Hard Drive Sh0rtage!


I 0nly recently f0und 0ut myself, but I h0pe m0st 0f y0u are already aware, that there is and has been a hard drive sh0rtage. I’m guessing due t0 and since the latest Japan Earthquake and Tsunami event (Thailand Floods actually..)

And it c0uld be ab0ut t0 get w0rse t00, if that article is anything t0 g0 by.

I w0uld just rec0mmend that if anyb0dy needs s0me m0re drives, that N0W w0uld be a g00d time t0 buy up, 0therwise y0u may have t0 wait m0nths, and all that will be available at the time will be either n0t what y0ur after, 0r much m0re expensive.

Even if y0u d0nt need s0me drives right n0w, it may be a g00d idea t0 think ab0ut it, but at the very least, its a call t0 clean up 0ur current st0rage banks and get the m0st 0ut 0f it while we batten d0wn the hatches and wait 0ut the next few m0nths 0f uncertainty.

Tripsicle98's picture

Minecraft is Out of Beta

Just thought id let yall know that minecraft is out :D


Auto remove warning from the PC - BF3 ladder: Team IPX

Your PC – BF3 team “Team IPX” will be removed in a week if you do not have a full squad of at least 10 members.

Thank you,
CyberGamer Support

Hashy's picture

Crew Norway!

0nly pe0ple wh0 went t0 Shads epically AWES0ME birthday bash will get the reference.

Just wanna say again thanks Shad f0r sh0wing us a g00d time and inviting us al0ng. Was really great t0 meet pe0ple in pers0n, I had a great time and I h0pe y0u all did t00.

Th0se 0f y0u wh0 didn’t attend.. Maybe y0u can g0 crew n0rway? ;p

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