I 0nly recently f0und 0ut myself, but I h0pe m0st 0f y0u are already aware, that there is and has been a hard drive sh0rtage. I’m guessing due t0 and since the latest Japan Earthquake and Tsunami event (Thailand Floods actually..)
And it c0uld be ab0ut t0 get w0rse t00, if that article is anything t0 g0 by.
I w0uld just rec0mmend that if anyb0dy needs s0me m0re drives, that N0W w0uld be a g00d time t0 buy up, 0therwise y0u may have t0 wait m0nths, and all that will be available at the time will be either n0t what y0ur after, 0r much m0re expensive.
Even if y0u d0nt need s0me drives right n0w, it may be a g00d idea t0 think ab0ut it, but at the very least, its a call t0 clean up 0ur current st0rage banks and get the m0st 0ut 0f it while we batten d0wn the hatches and wait 0ut the next few m0nths 0f uncertainty.