
New Command and Conquer Generals

C&C Generals 2 announced and available for pre-order on origin.

Looks like its the same engine as BF3- it will be epic!!

EDIT: Release for 2013, so a while out yet

Microman's picture

Limited Bandwidth - BF3 doesn't give a shit

Just got back from a week away to find that origin had downloaded a massive 9GB when I turned my computer on. We get 40GB a month with nothing unmetered. Basically, we get 40GB, and that’s that.

So when origin decides to update BF3 without giving any indication, it uses almost 25% of the usage in one hit. We have a usage meter which tells us how much we can use each day so we don’t get capped. We are currently 5GB (12.5%) over the limit for today, and get 1GB/day left.

For this reason, I have to be really frugal with the internet until the 26th hoping not to get capped.

This is really unacceptable, and I’d really appreciate it if somebody could suggest a way of preventing BF3 from installing these updates without permission. I’d rather just not play until the internet resets than not be able to play, use youtube, mumble, or any other internet hog until this time.

there u go n0mad

u have probs seen this but meh, looks like it was taking from a convention or something

looks epic

gaming network card

yo… thinking of ways to combat latency whether through having ISP turn off interleaving on my DSL port or something else I found this, anyone got an opinion on these… ??

Robag's picture

BF3 patch

Hi Everyone,

EA/DICE has now released Battlefield 3 server version R11!

We have begun pushing the R11 patch out to all Battlefield 3 servers
at this time. Please understand that your server will be temporarily
unavailable as the system shutdown, updates and starts you game server
back up.

New Server Admin Docs released too, you can grab them here:

If you have any issues, please let us know by submitting a ticket to
‘Support’ at


Hypernia Hosting Corp.

Full Patch Details:

Fuzz's picture

APB Reloaded - Free to play

Anyone tried it? Concept seems GTA’ish but with online and free. I think IPX needs to get in there this Christmas.

Oh and heads up it’s R18+. Probably should have put that BEFORE the trailer… my bad.

Fuzz's picture

Flatout 3

I know a few of you are big Flatout fans for it’s awesome arcade racing multiplayer modes… anyone interested in the upcoming Flatout 3? It’s fairly reasonably priced at ~$26 or $35 for the complete pack including previous Flatouts.

Hashy's picture

Minecraft m0ds- Industrial Craft v1.337 - Not for 1.0.0

EDIT: v1.337b has already replaced 1.337, see bel0w


Th0se here wh0 play Minecraft may be interested t0 kn0w that there is a new release f0r Industrialcraft, versi0n 1.337 It d0es n0t appear t0 be f0r versi0n 1.0.0, I just cant see anywhere it saying what versi0n it is f0r. s0 it appears f0r n0w, we will have t0 wait a little while l0nger f0r 0ur Minecraft machinery g00dness.

v1.337 changelog – ( see bel0w f0r c0py 0f changel0g)

b0th 0f the required m0d l0aders have been updated f0r 1.0.0 at least. y0u sh0uld get these n0w and if y0u feel like it, install them and have them ready. MCForge l00ks updated t00..


Hi everyone.

Well, I’m kinda bored and all.
So this may make all of your day.
Its quite random but hey?, the chick is crazy right ?!

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