
Sha8doW's picture

Happy New Year

Happy New Year All! (early)
I’ve decided to go away for a few days, which means I’ll be out of town till maybe the 2nd (maybe the 1st) – I’d like to say I’m going to hang with my mates… but it appears they all went camping and drinking and I wasn’t invited! – Nice!

anyway, I’m all purchased up for Secret Santa… so never fear (Ill gift em when I return) (some good specials out there)

So, happy new year! Be safe, be merry…. and I hope you dont get shopped by your mates!

n0mad's picture

World Of Padman V1.6 Released


We need to advise GA to update there Servers, IPX please p0st here we need y0ur supp0rt –

After a l0ng sleep in, yer I needed it, I awake t0day t0 find 0ut that World 0f Padman V1.6 has just been released yaaaaaa…..
As many 0f U kn0w this game is Frigin Amazing and U 0we it t0 y0urself t0 install this free game…

Step 1
Download the Windows Installer
File Size: 900MB

Step 2
Download the Windows 1.6 Patch
File Size: 117MB

Tripsicle98's picture

Howdy Can you please click this if you want to play in the BF3 comp

Howdy Folks

Can you please click these links to register yourself for the BF3 comp if you havent done so already

This will save time later on and its a good way to find out whats going on in the Comp


Tripsicle98's picture

Merry Christmas Everybody

Hoping everybody has a good christmas and keeps out of trouble Looking at you Delta thanks for the sweet as year looking forward to doing it again next year


n0mad's picture

n0mad's g0ing 0n h0lidays

m0rning All

Firstly I w0n’t be ar0und much these h0liday’s as the missus has planned a n0mad h0liday away s0 please NO GAMING GIFTS f0r the n0mad
I w0n’t get t0 play em and als0 please gift s0me0ne y0u can game with….
Als0 I think Skyrim and Dead Island will l00se m0st 0f my gaming time I may have next year…..

Sec0undly Well what a year and it’s s00n time f0r a year in review f0r TEAM IPX in 2011, each year I put t0gether a year in review and like last year Team IPX in 2010
big thumbs up to Matt f0r helping 0ut last year it w0uld be great if s0me0ne can assist in the w0rk l0ad n0thing t00 maj0r just t0 remind me 0f highlights f0r the year I might miss….
Just Send me a PM that U wish t0 help and We will make a time next week bef0re New Years Day t0 get it d0ne….

Thirdly I w0uld like t0 wish all IPX a Merry XMAS again and a safe New Year….

chipper's picture

Hi Hi

Happy holidays to all.

I hope the end of the year finds everyone enjoying themselves. If for some reason you aren’t though the below social commentary from the smart folks at the Oatmeal may help cheer you up.

Quake Hits CHCH on Friday afternoon

hope you guys on the south island are OK check in here when you can.

Dont forget to check steam every day for cheap deals and unlock achievements!

Steam is having its Christmas sale, so there are some great deals every day. For anyone that always wanted to check out Brink (if you bought brink, please look away or you might be prone to rage or anguish like I was)… its currently on sale for $5.50. There are also some other really great titles out there. Im slowly collecting a few gift games, and maybe… just maybe, if you have been a good little IPXer, Santa Delta might unleash his sack with some goodies all over your steam account ;). Also, Im still up for a secret Santa if anyone else is?

Robag's picture


If any QLD IPX’ers want to catch up, will be here from the 22 to the 28
PM me


I can haz no screwing now?

So is the exception to the idea of screwing Norway? Im not sure I want to think about screwing any thing with that guy around…

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