just stumbled up0n this game fr0m NASA. Br0wser based, Java stuff I think, might need t0 install s0me thing t0 get it g0ing but sh0uld run fine after that. l00ks interesting.
The aim appears t0 be t0 build a w0rking space c0mmunicati0ns netw0rk. I’m ab0ut t0 give this a g0 right n0w, will let y0u’s kn0w what it is like, any0ne is free t0 give it a sh0t t00, a bit 0f a change fr0m the aim and sh00t stuff =)
link t0 NetworKing – http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/3d_resources/scan.html
Thanks t0 wh0ever at NASA gets paid t0 pr0duce this kinda sh!t =D