
Taking the next step in the big plung

Well looks like me and the girl are stepping it up. Marriage is on the cards, kids are for sure now… so we bought a new house. Signed the paper work for the offer on Saturday, which is still on track for a rough finalisation around the 21st of Nov. Here is the house for anyone interested in having a peak.

Too Bad Ausys

Was an amazing game but from the start the All Blacks had it. Better luck next time ya dirty ausys.

New Battlefield 3 Poster

The characters are far more handsome this time around. What are your thoughts?

(click to enlarge)

Cybergamer Squad Rush Ladder?

Do we want to pull the team out, as the ladder is now open and we are open to challenge or be challenged,
personally pretty done with it.

I'm off to Thailand

See you ladies in 9-10 days.

I will try to come back with pics of a lady boys junk for you fellas.

Sha8doW's picture

Dinner with spuddy!

Epic pizz and garlic prawns in Adelaide with spuddy!
Haven’t laughed so hard in ever epic stories!

Matt add spuddy to the “ive met more ipxers in person” list!

Thanks spuddy!

Hashy's picture

NASA Game - NetworKing


just stumbled up0n this game fr0m NASA. Br0wser based, Java stuff I think, might need t0 install s0me thing t0 get it g0ing but sh0uld run fine after that. l00ks interesting.

The aim appears t0 be t0 build a w0rking space c0mmunicati0ns netw0rk. I’m ab0ut t0 give this a g0 right n0w, will let y0u’s kn0w what it is like, any0ne is free t0 give it a sh0t t00, a bit 0f a change fr0m the aim and sh00t stuff =)

link t0 NetworKing –

Thanks t0 wh0ever at NASA gets paid t0 pr0duce this kinda sh!t =D


sprry but i couldnt find the minecraft page to comment on. i have found a texture that looks quite nice called sphaz purebdcraft,first link for vid and screen shots, second link is the download 14.46 mb big.

its quite a nice lovely texture and if your having problems with it just ask me and ill help you.

ps, micro should put this on your server

League of Legends

The lol team has moved up in ranks for league of legends on the cyber gamer ladder, we are now rank 9 out 105 teams

Robag's picture

New Roccat Gaming Gear Check it out

Here is some new Gaming Gear, wich looks pretty solid

Deals at Mave

ROCCAT™ Arvo – Compact Gaming Keyboard)
The only keyboard featuring macro keys for the thumb

More space on the desktop without the need to forgo all the usual functions. This and a whole lot more besides is offered by the compact ROCCAT™ Arvo. It’s the first keyboard to offer a gaming mode integrated into the numpad and unique thumbster keys. These three extra keys can be assigned macros or the practical timer function, which can’t be found on any other keyboard on the planet.


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