
Hashy's picture

2011 - Tribes Returns - Tribes Universe & Tribes Ascend


A few weeks back, Fuzz I think, p0inted me in the directi0n 0f yet an0ther Tribes game in devel0pment f0r this year; Tribes Ascend

Judging fr0m what I’ve already heard ab0ut Tribes Universe, I am thinking that Ascend will be m0re d0wn the alley 0f the traditi0nal Tribal.

Like Tribes Universe, Tribes Ascend will be based 0ff 0f Tribes 2; the best 0f the 3 previ0us Tribes games ( Starsiege Tribes, Tribes 2, and Tribes fl0p Vengeance.). g00d call in my 0pini0n.

Brink Pre-Order

For all of you that missed out on the steam $49.99 pre order i have some brink prices for you

$47.99 Amazon Really good price

$69.00 GAME

$89.99 Steam

$89.00 Jb Hi-Fi


I will update it if i find more :)

God I can’t wait for this game


hey guys theres a new game on steam for sale called sanctum on sale it looks pretty good it doesn’t unlock for another 2 weeks its a fps tower defence kind of game.
single copy for 13.50 us and 20 bucks us for a 2 pack its a co-op game as well. heres a link for the game

cheers kippa

See Ya Guys

Iam Off Too Ozz Tomorrow Morning, Will See You On Thursday…

Peace Out, And Take Care Guys And Girls xxxx

Microman's picture

Happy Birthday Hashy!

Our friend, Hashy, is another year older. Let us celebrate the occasion by showing him how important he is!

Have a good one mate.



n0mad's picture

n0mad passes 10000 Svalbards

m0rnin All,
Well it finally happened n0mad get’s t0 10000 Svalbards and c0ntinues 0n
There mine all mine………….


Well Done To Limpet

For being the first IPX member to play Homefront(bastard).
I will ring EB to see if i can get it today but wont hold my breath.

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Loganator

oww one more year older


What games are you getting?

Team IPX Homefront Brink Comment
Bloodstorm Yes Yes May not be straight away thou
Cheesy - - -
Chipper - - -
Crazy_As no maybe Nikki will get it if most of us play
Deadite - - -
Fuzz Maybe Yes DNF, BF3 and Rage are the ones I’m most looking forward to
Kerrien - - -
KillerSL One Day NO Waiting For My Money Tree To Grow
Kippa HEll YES time to light some bitches up
Limpet yep yep -
Loganator - - -
Ltmon - - -
Mattatuide Yes Yes can’t wait for both
Microman Possibly Less Likely Keen to see how things pan out. For Homefront, it will cost me $10 to wait. No big.
Milzy - - -

um guys

can anyone get ahold of willow because a earthquake hit japan and there is a tsunami warning, he might be in trouble

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