
Robag's picture

Real Life Dirt 2 Canberra Style

Morning all

well here is the proof robag looks at Fuzz


Vietnam server

If a few guys are playing, why not start off my server. Once a few start, it will fill up.

I will rename it to team IPX server, if you guys want, and actually play it.

…(SYD….., it is hosted at same place as sydney 24/7 server.


I'm at shads house

haha im at shad’s house, with robag. where are you?

Fuzz's picture

Merry Christmas

From the comfort of bed I wish you all a merry Christmas. I hope you all have a great day with family.

Drive safely!


good song

Steam 1000 Game sale

I knew it would be along soon, so here it is.

Steam 1000 Game sale

Here are some of the best i could find.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 66% off – $13.49

Dirt 2 335 off – $13.39

L4D2 50% off – $9.99

Peggle Complete 60% off – $7.99

SEGA Mega Drive Classics 2 Pack 25% off – $7.49

Golden Axe 25% off – $2.61

John Deere Drive Green 75% off – $7.50

And the best i have found
Grey’s Anatomy: The Video Game 25% off – $22.49

BC2:VIETNAM Release date and time

So BC2:V is out today for the PC (18th 3 days early for pre-order ) and it looks like we get jibed for being in AUS and NZ.

From what I can tell we will get it unlocked @ 0900 GMT.

The times are –
QLD – 7pm
Rest of AUS – 8pm
NZ – 10pm

so looks like we have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up to us to play.

Sha8doW's picture


had you eva been dro drunk@!?


Mumble 70:1pm cbr time
ran out of muony! come chat!@ soo funy!

Kazashi's picture

The Humble Indie Bundle #2

It’s on again! Another stack of games developed by independent groups, available on Windows, OSX and Linux, all DRM-free. As with last time, the worthwhile causes Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play Charity are set to receive a portion of the money, but which games will be featured in this Humble Indie Bundle ?

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