s0 I just stumbled up0n these happenings..
I can’t h0nestly say what t0 really expect, c0mpared t0 previ0us titles 0f the series. But s0mething new w0uld be nice, and I reck0n that, if it d0esnt det0ur t00 far 0ff fr0m the 0riginal games, that this w0uld be right up the teams alley.
y0u can sign up f0r the alpha here, but n0 guarantees 0f being accepted 0fc0urse. Give it a sh0t, sign up, and see what happens.
I will be keeping a cl0se eye 0n the devel0pment, and if accepted int0 the Alpha, will pass 0n my rec0mmendati0n t0 the rest 0f the team.