

Anyone playing it. Downloaded it yesterday.

Just testing this blog thingo as well. Hi guys.

Fuzz's picture

Duke Nukem: Next Gen

Looks like as well as the next Duke Nukem game, some fans are remaking the original Duke Nukem 3D using current day engines, and the plan is for a Multiplayer demo to come out “sooner than you think”… Now I’ll believe it when I see it, but still. Team IPX as it is in 2010, playing a good looking Duke Nukem game ONLINE – it wouldn’t get any better than that if you ask me.

ltmon's picture

W:ET starts looking prettier

Since ID Software kindly released the source code to RTCW2 and W:ET a few months ago there’s been a few efforts ongoing to port it to run better on more modern hardware and to fix some of the bugs.

The XReal project (, mostly done by a single coder) has also been working on making it a whole lot prettier — at least from the engine point of view, he will still require some mappers and modellers to step up and fix the original textures and models to be of a higher standard. In any case, what has been achieved so far is quite impressive. The following shows off dynamic shadows:

We Are The Best Guys :::)

Bloody Good Game TEAM

n0mad's picture


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Microman's picture

Just you Aussies?

This picture was taken about 5 minutes after killing him. I killed him, and I sprayed the blood on the wall. Everything that dies seems to shoot blood everywhere, and then fall into a rag-doll heap.

Click on the image for a larger view.

ltmon's picture

Duke Nukem Forever: First look

First look at this particular incarnation of the perpetually unreleased game.

In any case:

1. The environment looks like Duke Nukem, and not some generic brownish FPS as the last few attempts were
2. Looks pretty
3. Seems gimicky (in a good way)
4. Ending

1. Stinks of console
2. Boss fight looks a bit unimaginative
3. Seems gimicky (in a bad way)
4. Someone already drew a cock ‘n’ balls on the whiteboard, now there’s nothing original left to do

Robag's picture

Steamships Ahoy - The Sacrifice DLC & Mac L4D2 [1:52 pm ET]

Though the news is not yet reflected on the Steam Website, Valve announces the Windows editions of The Sacrifice DLC for Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 are both now automatically through Steam, free of charge for owners of those games. This is accompanied by the release of the Mac edition of Left 4 Dead 2, which, like all Steamplay games, is free for those who already own the Windows edition. For those who don’t already possess the zombie shooter sequel, Left 4 Dead 2 is currently on sale for 66% off, as is the original Left 4 Dead (though the Mac edition of that is not expected until the end of this month). The Xbox 360 editions of both DLC are expected later today. Here’s word on The Sacrifice for those who have only taken a passing interest to this point:


so i need 206 more svalbards till i have 1000, when i get the last 206 sh8dow will give me a free shirt.
so can some one please give me some? pleeseeeeeeeeeee, i will love you long time

2 games tonight

we have two games tonight.

first one is the last match for the ON3 tournament.

times are

QLD – 5:00pm
Rest of Aus – 6:00pm
NZ – 8:00pm

the other match is 8 v 8 Gamearena ladder

QLD – 7:30pm
Rest of Aus – 8:30pm
NZ – 10:30pm

sorry for fucking this up guys.

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