TEAM IPX Homefront game server now online!

The Team IPX Home front server in now up and running.

So jump on and have some fun.

Well Done To Limpet

For being the first IPX member to play Homefront(bastard).
I will ring EB to see if i can get it today but wont hold my breath.

Robag broke then fixed the Mumble

The main mumble server is currently having issues. Robag is looking into it and is hoping to have it sorted soon but until you hear otherwise please use the old mumble server -

all fixes now


Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Loganator

oww one more year older


What games are you getting?

Team IPX Homefront Brink Comment
Bloodstorm Yes Yes May not be straight away thou
Cheesy - - -
Chipper - - -
Crazy_As no maybe Nikki will get it if most of us play
Deadite - - -
Fuzz Maybe Yes DNF, BF3 and Rage are the ones I’m most looking forward to
Kerrien - - -
KillerSL One Day NO Waiting For My Money Tree To Grow
Kippa HEll YES time to light some bitches up
Limpet yep yep -
Loganator - - -
Ltmon - - -
Mattatuide Yes Yes can’t wait for both
Microman Possibly Less Likely Keen to see how things pan out. For Homefront, it will cost me $10 to wait. No big.
Milzy - - -

Pad Night - TBA

World of Padman 1.5 and the 1.5.1 update have been out for a while now and to honour this marvellous achievement a Pad Night is in order.

The date and time will be advised shortly as it will be based around the availability of IPX pad allstars (Ltmon, Hashy, n0mad $) and other pad devotees.

If you haven’t already downloaded the new version, shame on you. Luckily there is still an opportunity to make up for your apathetic behaviour and lack of initiative… so go here to get your Pad on and here to get yourself edumacated.

Padman is free and available for all platforms so no excuses. Installation and set-up are straight forward but if you do need any help n0mad/robag are your best bets.

$ sorry if I missed anyone else who won a tournament

um guys

can anyone get ahold of willow because a earthquake hit japan and there is a tsunami warning, he might be in trouble

Trouble in paradise !!! ;(#

Well yes peeps the house of cards has come crashing down. No more spuddy long time Thai GF !!!
And incase ya can’t find the friggin settings to change your relationship status – well spuddy found it – might I add the IT genius Robag spat chips 20 mins ago after not finding it to retire to bed lol !!! After about .5 or another JD I hit paydirt – Yay Spuddy ! Go to profile – then edit profile – then to featured people and wallah ! der it is peeps ! There is a picture of my new GF on my FB profile – I know her well !!!!!!!!!!!!

Regards the Jaded potatoe ;)#

They are F**KEN taking over!!

Those dirty norwegians are making another push.

According to a UN report Norway is the Best country in the world to live in followed by Ausy and NZ.
The norwegians must have corrupted the UN.
Watch out next they will be after you!

This link has the top 15 countrys to live in :

Sha8doW's picture

Kazashi - Happy B-Day

Well… FB was good for something (my wife told me that FB said it was your B-day)

God knows I’d never remember my own B-day without her!

Hb Brother!
Welcome to the 29 club…. 1 more year of life left! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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