World of Padman 1.5 and the 1.5.1 update have been out for a while now and to honour this marvellous achievement a Pad Night is in order.
The date and time will be advised shortly as it will be based around the availability of IPX pad allstars (Ltmon, Hashy, n0mad $) and other pad devotees.
If you haven’t already downloaded the new version, shame on you. Luckily there is still an opportunity to make up for your apathetic behaviour and lack of initiative… so go here to get your Pad on and here to get yourself edumacated.
Padman is free and available for all platforms so no excuses. Installation and set-up are straight forward but if you do need any help n0mad/robag are your best bets.
$ sorry if I missed anyone else who won a tournament