g00d m0rning fell0w IPXers…….

WOPIT#2 is 0nly a few days away and the f0ll0wing Members have n0t signed up,
Cheesy, Deadite, HarassmentPanda, Kazozza, Kerrien, Killer, Milzy, Sc0ut, Spudinator & WickFi5h

All that we (The BoD) ask 0f y0u is t0 advise if you wish t0 play, Padman is a great game and the TEAM m0de we are playing is s0 much fun and you may be surprised how much fun Padman can be and it’s FREE

Als0 we plan 0n having a TEAMIPX ph0t0sh00t during the t0urnament s0 again we w0uld like t00 see y0u all there…..

So we ask y0u again, please advise if U can play s0 we can ch00se the teams…..

And d0n’t f0rget the winner will receive a great prize….


Microman's picture

Who's keen for a go at this?

Hey Guys,

Just wondering who, in the minecraft community of IPX, is keen for a go at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcsN3d7eKgY

I’ll host a server, and restrict it to 2 – 3 people. First in first served, as my server has a player limit :-P. I will experiment with using another computer as a server, but it has fewer resources than I do..



Robag's picture

happy birthday KillerSL

oww u lucky bugger u birthday BJ lol


Battlefield Bad Company 2 Killz

Was on an 18 player server today and got a few kills.
Nothing sus.


is the ipx server up? because i cant log in. been like this for a while for me

WOPIT #2 Signup now

We are about to pick teams for WOPIT#2 if you haven’t signed up please do s0 as we would like to arrange teams A.S.A.P.

Signup to WOPIT#2

Also we have mentioned that this is no ordinary Padman as we will be playing Capture the Lolly so as we all haven’t really played much Capture the Lolly it would be great seeing everyone there even if U don’t like Padman Capture the Lolly brings another TEAM element to it….

Also we are planning to have a TEAMIPX 2011 Photo taken sum time during the tournament……

So sign up if you haven’t already or n0mad will release CHEWY on ya…..


Kazashi's picture

The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle

In the same vein as previous Humble Indie Bundles, for the next fortnight there will be another bundle of games on sale. This time all the offerings are from Finnish developer Frozenbyte:

Trine: a side-scrolling platformer where you switch between three different characters to solve puzzles.
Shadowgrounds: a top-down shooter – blow up monster and aliens on a spooky space colony.
Shadowgrounds Survivor: more of the same.
Splot: this is….. actually I’m not sure. It’s a pre-order for what looks to be a side-scrolling adventure in a cute cartoon style.
Jack Claw: this was going to be a top-down action game, using a giant claw to throw objects and crush enemies, but was cancelled. The game source code and assets are being released, allowing the wider community to finish making it.

Again, charities Child’s Play and Electronic Frontier Foundation will be worthy recipients of a portion of sales, and all games feature Windows/Mac/Linux versions. As an added bonus, these games can be redeemed on Steam, Desura and OnLive, so set your own price and get playing!


Just got this from the brink facebook page.

Exciting news alert!!! We’ve moved up the release date for Brink by a week. The game will now release on May 10th in North America and May 13th in Europe. Wanna learn more? Read the media alert below…
Bethesda Softworks Announces Earlier Release Date for Brink
Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced that its acclaimed first-person shooter, Brink, will be available one week EARLIER than originally scheduled. Brink will now first be available for purchase in North America on May 10th instead of May 17th, and in Europe on May 13th instead of May 20th.

Sha8doW's picture

New game... Maybe

Has anyone heard or Played battlefield play 4 free

Free – good for the cheaps among us (I’m still burnt from breach)

I also don’t think that it’s the same as battlefield heroes either

I’m out, so I can’t check it out, might be worth a look battlefield play 4 free

IPX Intro movie

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