WETTITS is over

Well what a Final

Congrats to Hashy for Winning…….

Full write up here

WETTITS Final Tonight Changed to 9:30pm

Apologies to All IPX but Tonight’s WETTITS Final will be played from 9:30pm

4 Members are running Late and a decision to move it later had to be made

On a positive note all members of t0night’s game will be eligible to win the WETTITS Prize
So Sc0ut Spudinator Proton Rifle there’s still time to be in it to win it.

Server is booked for 8:00pm so Prac will still start but official final is now starting at 9:30pm…

Thank you for your understanding……..


Microman's picture

Free Stuff!

Steam is giving away a copy of portal, free!

n0mad's picture


WETTITS Comp Friday 21/05/2010

WETTITS Competition Round 2 tonight Friday 21/05/2010 at 8:00pm

Cold Nipples vs Hot Jugs

0n like Donkey Kong
We hope all can make it………….

And YES Friday night is Fight Night

n0mad's picture


0ne 0f the best FPS ever is Painkiller just a great game made by
the guys at People Can Fly anyway I’m here t0 tell U 0f a new pr0ject they are w0rking 0n;

A Sneak Bulletstorm Review can be f0und here IGN Sneak Bulletstorm Review

Anyway I await this with Anticipation since the Guys at People Can Fly made an awsum game in Painkiller can they win me 0ver again, 0nly time will tell.

Terminations - May 2010


The following Honorary Members have been terminated and are no longer affiliated with Team IPX.

  • Kraizen
  • Rayne
  • Nestern
  • Somtin

The reasons for the terminations are based around: Inactivity.

Team IPX

New Honorary Member - Proton Rifle

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Proton Rifle into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.
Proton Rifle

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

Read on after the break for Proton’s Wookie Welcome!

Sha8doW's picture


Or Neg

or maybe some random complaining…..


LoL Videos in the blog…

WETTITS Comp Friday 14/05/2010

WETTITS Competition that it starts this Friday 14/05/2010 at 8:00pm

OK Cold Nipples vs Hot Jugs

It is On IPX’ers it is on like Donkey Kong

owwwwwwww and Friday night is Fight night :)

Teams have Been Pick

ask N0mad or R0bag

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