Robag's picture

Robag_Jr relay for life

Yep Robag_Jr outside and walking. Please donate if you can link linkage


Robag's picture

Valve Loses AU Legal Dispute

The Brisbane Times has word that Valve has lost a legal dispute in Australia that first surfaced a couple of years ago over Valve’s claims at the time that customers were not entitled to refunds for games purchased on Steam (thanks HARDOCP). Here’s word on the decision, its implications for Valve, and for other companies doing business down under:
The Federal Court found Valve, which operates online game website Steam, engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct by telling Australian players they were not entitled to refunds for digitally downloaded content.

The company, based in the US, now faces fines of up to $1.1 million a breach.

linuxslacker's picture

Payday 2 is out on linux

YAY now i get to see why robag is so obsessed with this game its going to be fun

Robag_Jr's picture

oh my damn

yeah i think it is a good idea to have allies

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Tripsicle98

have a great day Trip


Robag_Jr's picture

this is a pretty good idea

its a quicker way to backup your files –
it would go well with this –

Robag's picture

DOOM Closed Beta This Month; New MP Trailer announces a March 31st start date for closed beta testing of DOOM, saying id Software’s return to the first-person shooter series is still on track for release on May 13th. They offer a new multiplayer trailer to celebrate the news, and its description offers more details:
DOOM’s multiplayer is not for the faint of heart. It’s bloody. It’s brutal. And it’s VERY FAST. Prepare yourself with a glimpse into DOOM’s multiplayer mayhem in the latest trailer.

Players eligible for the DOOM Beta through their purchase of Wolfenstein: The New Order, your chance to play DOOM Multiplayer is coming! We will be running the Closed Beta between March 31 and April 3. To check eligibility requirements, please visit Participants will be able to try out Team Deathmatch and the recently revealed Warpath mode on two maps: Heatwave and Infernal.

Robag's picture

Happy Bithday Kazashi

have a cookie

hee heee heeee look out for them creepers………


Robag's picture

Retro Gaming Night - Fistful Of Frags

26/02/2016 19:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
all comers
Not Applicable
Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Robag Yes ballz LT has a sniper Rifle :x
Fuzz Yes Fool me once shame on you. But teach a man to fool me and I will be fooled for the rest of my life
BeavisBeaver Yes Staby
BeverJr Yes StabyJr
Sha8doW Yes has anyone else noticed how STUPID ShadoW looks without the 8?
n0mad Yes What ever happened t0 the str0gg did they just fly h0me ?
Slacker Yes Pass the whiskey
Somtin Maybe Pasta whiskey – I’ll be there if my timezone calculation is right
Robag_Jr Yes Added by Robag :p

ThanX t0 R0bag f0r Organizing & h0sting the server – Pass the Whiskey!

Sha8doW's picture

Firewatch is out

Im not even going to try and sell you this game… the damn thing sells itself. Check out this “Game Play Video”

I’ve been waiting for this from Campo Santo for some time! its their 1st crack at their own game. $19.99 on steam, its worth supporting them.

Its got a great feel, and awesome story, and great voice acting.

Yep its single player… but seriously, watch the trailers and that video…


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