League of Legends

Looks like the LOL team has passed the bfbc2 team, we are now ranked 7th, yeah boy

now we got to verus the big guys Frenetic Array and DisArray Gaming

lets see if we can get into the top 3

I likey

I think we should all pull our cash together and build one of these mothers :D

Sha8doW's picture

Shads party update

For those who have received invites and responded, thankyou!
For those still yet to RSVP, the due date quickly approaches! And a lack of response will be severely punished!!!!

For those comming and For those who don’t think it’s worth it, or undecided I have an update for you…
Today I returned from the liquor store with the necessary alcoholic beverage supply… The bill total was $1060.89
I forgot a few bottles… I need to go back!

We are gunna have fun, still time to sen your RSVP!


Ok, so a few days ago I found out that many if not all of you had not heard of this video. I meant to share the link at the time (I was probably playing LoL or some thing) and I forgot… so here it is in all its glory.

Robag's picture

See now Norway is screwing with BF3

BF3 Norwegian Review Shenanigans Alleged

LoL 3v3 Ladder: Team IPX Vs Team InGame

Thinking we should put in a challenge for these guys. Silent, can you setup the form etc for this. To early in the morning for anyone to be on to ask and I dont have time before work to look around. Any how, tell me what you think about challenging those guys.

attention aussies looking to upgrade rig

i have come accross a site which currently sells relativly good g cards for cheap prices if you wish to have a gander at what is up for sale have a look at http://www.ozgameshop.com/graphics-video-and-tv-cards/page1

cheers kippa

Taking the next step in the big plung

Well looks like me and the girl are stepping it up. Marriage is on the cards, kids are for sure now… so we bought a new house. Signed the paper work for the offer on Saturday, which is still on track for a rough finalisation around the 21st of Nov. Here is the house for anyone interested in having a peak.

Too Bad Ausys

Was an amazing game but from the start the All Blacks had it. Better luck next time ya dirty ausys.

New Battlefield 3 Poster

The characters are far more handsome this time around. What are your thoughts?

(click to enlarge)

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