Hashy's blog

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Science Edition - Rare "Moon" Rocks Found in Western Australia


Interesting bit of news,


Seems that there were a few samples of rocks found on the Moon that had not previously been found on Earth; Until now!

Tranquillityite is its name, after the Sea of Tranquility where humans first set foot upon the Moon.

It is interesting that they found it in WA, as Western Australia contains the oldest known parts of the Earths crust.

In other news


NASA’s Twin Grail spacecraft entered orbit over the new year switcharoo. They will be working in conjunction to measure and map the Moons gravity fields, in order to gain a clearer picture as to what lies beneath the surface of the Moon. Another huge missing piece of the puzzle to understanding Luna’s origins.

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Apocalyptic Outdoor WLAN/ IPX Trex!

Mornin All,

So the year is finally upon us. Who’s up for a team camping trip later in the year? Not to be lazy, but I think that around my area somewhere would be most reasonable; it is halfway between the bulk of Team IPX, but I have not even scoped out a location yet, I would like to help with finding a place. If we gotta go to QUEENSLAND I wont mind one bit =p

Ok so setting up a wireless game in the middle of nowhere without a router to speak of is probably gonna be tricky to damn near impossible. Half the fun of camping is getting away from as much technology as you can anyway!

We will try and go somewhere with easy access; this is an online gaming team, and as a result, half of us are fat and the other half are on the rather lean side, so lugging a 15kg backpack 10km in and out of a site is out of the question for most of us.

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For Microman


Heres that picture Microman.. Taken on my phone camera, its pretty sh!t, but its something atleast =p

NOTE: Wood burns before coal.. ;p

Next time I know what to do, find another good stick, put coal in fire first, then jam the nugget in the wedge and PRESTO!

Will perfect the technique next time, stay tuned!!


Hashy rolls a tractor

It’s gonna happen… One day.. =p

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Happy 2012 Everybody!!

Happy New Year Everybody!! =)

The year of the Dragon shall soon be upon us… Make a wish and cast it to the waters, the luck of the Dragon may well make your dreams come true this year! NOW BUY THE F**KING BOOK!!

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Looking for a Gaming Laptop - $1300


My c0usin is l00king f0r a gaming lapt0p f0r himself. He w0uld like t0 run Skyrim 0n it.

Gaming lapt0p, typical screen size I guess, f0r appr0x $1300.. Thats ab0ut all I can tell yas… Rec0mmendati0ns w0uld be great, lapt0p graphics devices, ect, brands t00. I like t0shiba, thats my rec0mmendati0n..

What d0 y0u guys and girls rec0mmend? Much help w0uld be appreciated =)

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Minecraft m0ds- Industrial Craft v1.337 - Not for 1.0.0

EDIT: v1.337b has already replaced 1.337, see bel0w


Th0se here wh0 play Minecraft may be interested t0 kn0w that there is a new release f0r Industrialcraft, versi0n 1.337 It d0es n0t appear t0 be f0r versi0n 1.0.0, I just cant see anywhere it saying what versi0n it is f0r. s0 it appears f0r n0w, we will have t0 wait a little while l0nger f0r 0ur Minecraft machinery g00dness.


v1.337 changelog – http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Updates#v1.337.C2.A0.28... ( see bel0w f0r c0py 0f changel0g)

b0th 0f the required m0d l0aders have been updated f0r 1.0.0 at least. y0u sh0uld get these n0w and if y0u feel like it, install them and have them ready. MCForge l00ks updated t00..

Risugamis’ http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/75440-v100-risugamis-mods-everything...

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Hard Drive Sh0rtage!


I 0nly recently f0und 0ut myself, but I h0pe m0st 0f y0u are already aware, that there is and has been a hard drive sh0rtage. I’m guessing due t0 and since the latest Japan Earthquake and Tsunami event (Thailand Floods actually..)

And it c0uld be ab0ut t0 get w0rse t00, if that article is anything t0 g0 by.


I w0uld just rec0mmend that if anyb0dy needs s0me m0re drives, that N0W w0uld be a g00d time t0 buy up, 0therwise y0u may have t0 wait m0nths, and all that will be available at the time will be either n0t what y0ur after, 0r much m0re expensive.

Even if y0u d0nt need s0me drives right n0w, it may be a g00d idea t0 think ab0ut it, but at the very least, its a call t0 clean up 0ur current st0rage banks and get the m0st 0ut 0f it while we batten d0wn the hatches and wait 0ut the next few m0nths 0f uncertainty.

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Crew Norway!

0nly pe0ple wh0 went t0 Shads epically AWES0ME birthday bash will get the reference.

Just wanna say again thanks Shad f0r sh0wing us a g00d time and inviting us al0ng. Was really great t0 meet pe0ple in pers0n, I had a great time and I h0pe y0u all did t00.

Th0se 0f y0u wh0 didn’t attend.. Maybe y0u can g0 crew n0rway? ;p

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Steam Forum Hacked - Accounts Compromised

m0rnin, literally…


Just read that the steam f0rum has been hacked. I d0nt kn0w wh0 exactly and h0w many it affects, but I rec0mmend that everyb0dy change their steam passw0rds just t0 be 0n the safe side. s0 far they say it 0nly affects steam f0rum acc0unts, but the pr0blem c0uld end up g0ing much deeper, better t0 be safe then s0rry. Im s0rry f0r sure, ive had an epically awes0me l0ng passw0rd 0n steam ever since its been ar0und that i may have t0 change n0w… First PSN, and n0w p0ssibly Steam… wh0s next??
glares at the apple st0re in h0peful anticipati0n

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Tribes Ascend Closed Beta Keys


I g0t 3 keys here f0r the Tribes Ascend Closed Beta. First c0me first serve f0r a blue plate special…

All y0u have t0 d0 is g0t0 http://www.tribesascend.com and d0wnl0ad the Hi Command client ( their versi0n 0f Steam/Origin), within which y0u can d0wnl0ad the cl0sed beta and enter y0ur key, s0mewhere.

Any0ne interested?

I wasn’t g0nna make a p0st ab0ut the game until its in 0pen beta, but I will say I am disapp0inted with a few things, but y0u cant have the m00n. Its free t0 play.

0ff t0 Shads!!!

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